View Full Version : Question on Ativan/Klonopin

06-13-2010, 02:51 PM
I made a thread earlier this weekend which explains my exact situation, but I've come to the conclusion that before starting any of the SSRIs (which I've heard more negatives than positives) I'm going to just try Benzo's to get me through the day and then speak to a therapist, and hopefully ween off the Benzos.

Question is, right now I'm taking Ativan. The prescription says take 3 times a day, but the doctor made is seem like I should only take it during an attack. Do most people using Ativan just take it three times a day to prevent ever getting to the point of an attack?

Also, the therapist I spoke to recommended Klonopin over Ativan. I can see from what she told me (not as much addiction, longer lasting and better for my anxiety.) That this would be better, but I've also read that it decreases appetite. ATM that is one of things that scares me the most. I'm 6'1 165lbs, I cannot afford to lose my appetite.

What has been your experience with Benzos and appetite changes? I was on Citalopram for two days and stopped (last night), so that might be why I have no appetite, but I just want to make sure.

06-13-2010, 04:27 PM
I don't think klonopin affects my appetite one bit.

06-13-2010, 07:42 PM
I have been subscribed ativan 0.5 and I only take it when I have a attack I think its been sitting in my cabinet for 6 months or more. I'm terrified of every except for ib profin tylenol and ammox. I would prolly take it if I had another full blow attack but other than that no way jose. U would literally have to send me to the er. There are so many recalls and mistakes on meds I just don't trust anything anymore even if I took it before.

06-15-2010, 01:10 PM
I've had all the major Benzo's(Vallium, Xanax, Klonipan and Ativan) and I tell you unequivocally, Ativan has no equal. It's just flat out superior to the rest.