View Full Version : Fear of need to go to restroom all the time

06-12-2010, 08:14 PM
Hi all,

4 years before I was caught up in a situation when I was travelling. I had an urgent need to go to the bathroom and I was stuck in the train where I had no access to the restroom for pooping. Finally I got access after 1 hour. All that 1 hour I suffered very much from fear and was sweating at the same time I was controlling my poop fealings.

Before this incident I was perfectly normal and never had this fear. After this incident, I started worrying everytime I travelled, whether I will end up in this situation and what will happen then? Initially this fear was not that bad and was tolerable. But recently, since last few months, this fear seems to have taken over. Now everytime I go out of the house I feel like I will get the call and I want to be close to a restroom. This thought is killing me all the time and I think its affecting my life. Its even affecting my work as during meetings I am always worried.

Is there any cure for this? Can I return back to normal state?

Please help or suggest?