View Full Version : DR... nobody likes it.
06-09-2010, 04:38 PM
So, here's my story...
You've probably heard this a million times before. So, about two months ago, I smoked some marijuana. I started to panic like I had three years ago, which was the last time I had smoked it before. But this time, I calmed myself down. I did not have euphoria, but I had very strong DP/DR. The effects didn't wear off for three days after. I thought I was going nuts. I felt better, and then I started to get anxiety. I got the fear that I was going schiz, and I had another episode of DR. no DP. much much less severe. It went away, about two weeks ago, and it is kind of back again today. I have GAD (My mom has PD, and so do her brothers and sisters, it is RAMPANT in my moms family, so I definately inherited it, and the marijuana probably triggered it.) but I have been feeling much better than I had a month and a half ago, (I'm on Zoloft) nearly normal. So I keep thinking, do I actually have GAD, or am I just going nuts?
I was wondering how the average day is for someone with GAD? I keep thinking I'm not "anxious" enough to have GAD, and that something else is wrong with me. I get the notion that people with GAD are just nervous wrecks, which I certainly am not.
And this DR is coming back, but I haven't been feeling all that anxious lately... I mean, I did have freakout moments, but otherwise, realatively normal. I still get anxious thoughts in the back of my mind a few times an hour.
Is it normal to have these episodes of DR, even if you haven't been feeling all that anxious?
Sorry if this is stupid, I don't know much about people with anxiety disorders, I'm just starting to learn...
06-09-2010, 05:52 PM
I also feel that ever since I smoked, nothing has been the same. because I felt the effects of the marijuana, I can't look at anything the same again. That is the reason most people use psychedelics and marijuana, but it is just bothersome. or is it my anxiety? I really cannot tell. does anybody else feel like this?
06-10-2010, 10:05 AM
I am a little confused by your questions. By DR do you mean derealization? If so it is actually a pretty common thing with or without anxiety. 74% of people SHOULD experience it in their life time for one reason or another (although 31 to 66% of them will occur after a traumatic event). So even if you weren't suffering from GAD you would probably run into it once in a while but not as often as you do now. I understand how you feel though. I am a regular smoker of herb and have been for some time. Sure enough the first time I had a "panic" episode was when I was high. I thought maybe that I was just "too high."
On to your question though about how you actually feel and you thinking there is something more wrong.
DR and DP (depersonalization i assume) are pretty common with GAD especially if it is untreated. When I first started Prozac I was in a similar situation. I can tell you now that I feel 95 percent back to normal. The other 5 percent is when I have a bad morning or bad day or my PVC's are acting up which make me a little anxious. I have GAD but most of the time I am pretty evened out. I do a little self medicating with weed on days that I feel a little too edgy (my brother finds the best weed around here and knows that I need something that is going to give me a calming high and not an intense high.) When I say regular smoker that is what I mean. I will pack a bowl here and there but I work full time and am responsible. I cannot say for sure that the weed helps or hurts in the long run but I can tell you that feeling "pretty normal most of the time" can very much happen with GAD. Just because you aren't a wreck all the time like stereotypes might suggest you should be it is much more than that. I am sure there are people who do suffer with intense GAD and I feel for them as my symptoms are probably nothing in comparison to what they go through. GAD can be as simple as you feel totally normal until you start thinking about something. here is an example. I have been going out and enjoying my summer, playing basketball again, having a beer here and there doing cookouts being my 95percent self. Then I found out my bank account went negative (forgot to deduct what I paid in gas and used it again) a couple of bucks and then the fee's hit in (all 210.00 worth of them) and I knew I would have to go in and see if they would reverse the charges. When I woke up yesterday to go talk to them I immediately started with the anxiety. All i could think was "I have negative 200 in my account, I don't get paid until next week and I would have 225 dollars left and when put it in if they dont reverse the charges i am screwed. I actually THREW UP i was so fucked up over it, called into work and the whole 9. Then I went, dealt with the account and there was no big deal. I built it into this end all be all situation in my mind without even realizing it and then suddenly I am fine and back to normal. So I guess I rambled on quite a bit but I hope this helps you understand a little. Everybody experiences this stuff a little differently but if I were you I wouldn't be worried about something else being wrong with you. I went down that road and let me tell you it isn't fun. Although I did discover I have benign PVC's of the heart and probably have my whole life during the process lol. I think I personally paid the rent of my doctor's office in co-pay fees for a while :)
06-10-2010, 11:19 AM
No, the first time I experienced DR (derealization) well, when I knew what it was, was when I got high about two months ago. It is only afterwards that I developed the GAD and got the DR.
I'm on Zoloft, and even though it can be used for anxiety, it is only improving my mood. well, it has been, but i've been crashing again.
Okay, I thought I was the only one that was 95% normal. I mean at the moment I'm 70% normal, but I have been at 95%. I'm the same way... I'm okay, minding my own buisness, and as I've mentioned in another thread, my GAD is fueled by my fear of developing schizophrenia, so I have the frightened thoughts come into my head. "Wait, was that a symptom of schiz?" "I feel different... oh god, I must be going psychotic." "OH MY GOD, I am going to get schizophrenia when I am older. I am sure of it. my life is over!" or "Is this even real, what is reality?" The last one is more related to my experience with marijuana, but I think that the experience is what triggered my fear of going insane, because the feeling lasted so long and I didn't enjoy it. I didn't have hallucinations or anything, but I was very detatched from reality, and myself. I'm just very sensitive to chemicals... most people have 1 mg of klonopin, and I take an eighth of a mg. marijuana doesn't mix with my mom either. (so off topic)
I think I'm just going to have to try some CBT or something. I want to relax my mind, not control it (with pills)
Thank you so much for your words, I really appreciate it.
06-10-2010, 12:10 PM
I have GAD also and have the DR among Many other scary symptoms. Like your schitzo thoughts I have thoughts all day long that I will die of a heart attack, although all tests have come out fine. I have never been on pills, but am in CBT and have been for 9 months. It was a slow start, but it takes a while to understand the anxiety and its triggers and how to accept it. (that's the hardest part for me) But it has been a life saver! The thoughts are still there, but not near as debilitating as they were in the beginning because I am learning to accept them as thoughts and nothing more. I reccommend CBT to anyone that has the opportunity to do so.
06-10-2010, 05:02 PM
but how do you feel on daily basis? are you always nervous, or do you just over react to the thought of getting a heart attack? And I haven't been feeling terribly anxious lately, so is it normal for me to get DR again?
06-10-2010, 07:32 PM
I feel so hopeless. I have felt spacey and such, and I did (and still do?) have anxiety a month and a half ago, but this feeling is something I'd never think I would ever feel. Maybe I just don't know enough about the disorder.
Is the fact that I fluctuate between feeling horrible and feeling good a good sign that I wll be okay? That it is just anxiety? Anxiety waxes and wanes, but I don't think the onset of a psychotic disorder does. I felt so horrible, worse than now, and then I felt so much better, and I was almost normal. Now I'm feeling worse.
06-10-2010, 08:28 PM
Let's just say right when I wake upi I instantly get butterflies in my stomach. I am nervous ALL day long!!! Nothing has to set me off, I just am. Of course the thoughts make it worse as the day goes on, but they aren't necessary. I am just nervous. Some days are better than others, but my guard is always up. I can be having a "good" day and all of a sudden, out of the blue, feel DR. Then I panic, thinking I am not really here and all those thoughts that come with DR. So yes, it can come at anytime, but it is only a symptom of anxiety. My heart attack thoughts can get the best of me if I am having sensations such as chest pain, I will let the thought take off with me and convince me that I am having a heart attack. So it goes both ways; sometimes I'm not so nervous, but can feel DR & deal with the thoughts of heart attack easier and somedays I don't have DR at all, but can panic thinking I am having a heart attack. There are so many variations.
06-10-2010, 09:18 PM
Thank you for the clarification!
Ugh I just feel that I have no control over this anxiety. don't know how to explain it. Like, it is just something that is completely grown on me, like it is permanently implanted. I'm sure other people have felt like this?
06-11-2010, 07:58 AM
YES! When mine hit, it felt/feels like it will never go away and that I am forever trapped in an anxious mind. :|
06-11-2010, 02:20 PM
Just a question, do people ever completely 100% recover from anxiety? or do they live their life 99% or 95% okay?
06-11-2010, 04:18 PM
Howdy :)
I have GAD (My mom has PD, and so do her brothers and sisters, it is RAMPANT in my moms family, so I definately inherited it
You didnt inherited it at all , Everybody is born into this world with a clean slate , its what we learn from life and the people around us that make us anxious about the world. Having people around us that are anxious teachers us to react in the same way .
but I haven't been feeling all that anxious lately... I mean, I did have freakout moments, but otherwise, realatively normal. I still get anxious thoughts in the back of my mind a few times an hour.
If your having anxious thoughts then you are anxious even if you dont beieve you are. Anxiety works like going to the gym. Just because you dont feel the effects of a workout on the day at the gym does not mean you are not going to feel it the next day .
my GAD is fueled by my fear of developing schizophrenia,
This is your core fear and something you need to work on . You are not going mad you just think you are because anxiety is placed as being a mental illness , In my mind anxiety is not a mental illness but is a illness that effects both the body and the mind with its symptoms .
There is a old saying that if you think you are going mad you are not , people that are mad do not think they are mad , they believe that they are normal and that is what makes them mad because they dont see it .
It is very very common for someone with anxiety to believe that they are lossing their mind but it is just a bluff from your anxiety .
I think I'm just going to have to try some CBT or something. I want to relax my mind, not control it (with pills)
Good idea but also learn things such as mindfullness , meditation . Learn to clear your mind . Your brain has learned to over think things and you have to teach it to be clear again .
Is the fact that I fluctuate between feeling horrible and feeling good a good sign that I wll be okay?
Yes i would say so . What this should show you is that when your thinking is hypo it is effecting things but yet when you are calmer it is better. You need to work on reducing the bad times .
Just think of a time when you have been stuck in your thoughts and feeling bad and someone comes and has a talk with you and you start to focus on that and forget your problems and feel better only to start to feel bad again when they leave and you are tuck in your own thoughts.
Ugh I just feel that I have no control over this anxiety. don't know how to explain it. Like, it is just something that is completely grown on me, like it is permanently implanted. I'm sure other people have felt like this?
Yes it can feel like this but you need to set a plan in action and except that you have anxiety and it will take a while for you to change the way your body reacts to things . Just has it has to learn it . You need to set in place tools on how you are going to react to the symptoms in order not to feed them . Anxiety takes a while to recover from and as soon as you learn this and stop feeding it with thoughts of not being able to cope or that you are stuck with it forever the quicker you can move on to recovering .
Just a question, do people ever completely 100% recover from anxiety? or do they live their life 99% or 95% okay?
In a word yes i beleive we do , I believe that when we recovery we become better , we learn to be able to handle stress better than we did before we crash . This is not to say we wont have stress . Stress is a natural part of life that every person on the planet has it.
The differents between recovery and having anxiety just comes down to the way we learn to handle llife and the stresses it has
cheers kev :D
06-11-2010, 05:32 PM
Thank you so much! :)
06-11-2010, 05:39 PM
I have GAD (My mom has PD, and so do her brothers and sisters, it is RAMPANT in my moms family, so I definately inherited it
You didnt inherited it at all , Everybody is born into this world with a clean slate , its what we learn from life and the people around us that make us anxious about the world. Having people around us that are anxious teachers us to react in the same way .
Genetics are a large factor in developing an anxiety disorder. And my mother doesn't have GAD, she has PD. I don't think you can teach a panic attack, and I have never seen her having a panic attack. She had very severe PD for years without getting help, so she does have a lot of pent up (negative) energy. Do you not think people with schizo inherit the diease, that they learn it? It wasn't my choice or my mindset that caused me to have this.
I think I'm just going to have to try some CBT or something. I want to relax my mind, not control it (with pills)
Good idea but also learn things such as mindfullness , meditation . Learn to clear your mind . Your brain has learned to over think things and you have to teach it to be clear again .
I'm going to try to exercise more, especially since I am going on a three week backpacking trip in CO this summer. I did a two-week long yoga program this year, and during that time, I really slowed down and payed attention to my body. So I definately think I should try to do yoga again. My only problem was I need to get the motivation... This anxiety really has been depressing me/I often see myself going from happy/content to sad and depressed. Which is a very common symptom of anxiety. Er. :roll:
But I went on a canoe trip when I was in the midst of my anxiety, and I just felt so stress free and happy doing something I love, so I hope the same will happen this summer on my trip.
06-11-2010, 06:27 PM
Hi Alex
I am not going to fight you , you can choose what you believe .
I had anxiety in its worst form where is was having anxiety and panics everyday for 4 months , Mine was bought on by drug use . It went on for many months after that also as i started to get it under control.
PD is nothing more than a higher rate of anxiety , it is a response built into the workings of the body to protect us from danger . People can have panics and still have no problems with that . Its when you panic againist something that you should not is when it becomes a problem .
my mother doesn't have GAD, she has PD. I don't think you can teach a panic attack
People with panic attacks have learned to panic , mostly from the fear of the symptoms from high anxiety . You may not even see it but you learn to do it from the first one .
Look at it this way you learn to drive a car , push the pedals , turn the wheel , keep a eye out for things . At first it is hard but after a time it becomes a automatic thing . It is something that you learn to do without even thinking about . Walking is another good one .
When you first have a panic attack you are fearfull of them . You panic from the symptoms your body is sending out of high anxiety . Now weather you see it or not you are now worried about having another one. You can choose to worry about it in the open or you can choose to worry about it on a subconscious level .
Read my post here it may help understand it a bit better ... ght=#24699 (
Also if you can get a book by Dr Claire Weekes , She was the expert on anxiety and what i believe the mother on CBT
Do you not think people with schizo inherit the diease, that they learn it? I am sorry but i made no such referance . What i said was anxiety is a learned response and is not a true mental illness as schizo is .
Genitics play very little into anxiety , it may make it that you are likely to get it but it is not a 100% thing . Anyone can get anxiety and will put under the right circumstances. I have anxiety in the 5 people in my family and i am not blood related to them . It was all about the way we were raised and the way we learned to cope with life .
You dont have to agree with me thats fine but dont fall into the trap of the BS spread out there about anxiety being something that is wrong with the brain on a permanent level and needs to be lived with . Do your research . There is a lot out there and alot of good programes and stories on people that have gotten past it . The lady i saw had anxiety and panic for 20 years and is a mental health worker and is now recovered .
Remember that 1 in 4 people will have high anxiety in there life and most of those people fully recover.
cheers kev :D
06-11-2010, 07:21 PM
okay, I understand now. That makes a lot of sense. May I ask what drugs brought on your anxiety? Like I said, marijuana is what triggered mine, and it kind of first came up (I remember getting mini panic attacks every now and then) when I had a panic attack with it when I was 14. My mom got her PD because she had very high stress life.
06-11-2010, 07:52 PM
Hi Alex
Thats good :D
The drugs didnt so much bring it on . but sure didnt bloody help i tell you .
I was in a very stressed out stage of my life and started to show signs of stress , shakes , not sleeping , not eating etc .
I went to my doctor and he placed me on benzos , within a week i was living a nightmare i had a very bad reaction to them . They caused my stress to go into hypo drive . Thats where that 4 months came from . It took me along time to get treatment as they kepted telling me again and again it was just my anxiety . I knew better but because it was so long in hypo my body learned to live like that weather i wanted it to or not .
I guess in a way i was lucky and could see it for what it was and when thing scared me i tried to remember that it was only the anxiety .
I have never been a anxious person . well any more than a normally person . I am a thinker though and as i said to my doctor the other day that a good thing untill your thinking abut the wrong things all the time.
I guess it dont matter how we got there , we need to focus on repairing and calming ourselves down .
I know its really hard when that fear part of your brain is in over drive and telling you all the rubbish about being scared of this or that . Often you are not its just your system is so hypo .
Dont ever forget when it comes down to it anxiety is all about your nerves being on hypo drive and your nerves run everything so it will effect many things .
Look into meditation , i would say this is the biggest thing that helped me get were i am today. Its something your mother might also look into . It really does help .
and try not to worry about the DR/DP they will pass over time . They suck and would be the worst symptom i reackon .
cheers kev :D
06-11-2010, 08:42 PM
I am actually a very chill person, but I am very phobic. I know most things aren't the end of the world, but I am scared of so many things (I've had a lifelong and complicated phobia of the dark, for example.) But beng late for class doesn't bother me. I guess I've just had a knack for being afraid of irrational things. Which are the wrong things, like you explained.
by hypo, do you mean hyper? =)
I feel like yoga has been very meditative for me. But I will try meditation along with the yoga.
Yeah, the DR stinks. I really don't have much of a problem with it in general, but from my anxiety brain, that is existing by my fear of schizo, it automatically takes that symptom as a symptom of psychosis. :roll:
06-29-2010, 05:31 PM
Howdy :)
I have GAD (My mom has PD, and so do her brothers and sisters, it is RAMPANT in my moms family, so I definately inherited it
You didnt inherited it at all , Everybody is born into this world with a clean slate , its what we learn from life and the people around us that make us anxious about the world. Having people around us that are anxious teachers us to react in the same way .
but I haven't been feeling all that anxious lately... I mean, I did have freakout moments, but otherwise, realatively normal. I still get anxious thoughts in the back of my mind a few times an hour.
If your having anxious thoughts then you are anxious even if you dont beieve you are. Anxiety works like going to the gym. Just because you dont feel the effects of a workout on the day at the gym does not mean you are not going to feel it the next day .
my GAD is fueled by my fear of developing schizophrenia,
This is your core fear and something you need to work on . You are not going mad you just think you are because anxiety is placed as being a mental illness , In my mind anxiety is not a mental illness but is a illness that effects both the body and the mind with its symptoms .
There is a old saying that if you think you are going mad you are not , people that are mad do not think they are mad , they believe that they are normal and that is what makes them mad because they dont see it .
It is very very common for someone with anxiety to believe that they are lossing their mind but it is just a bluff from your anxiety .
I think I'm just going to have to try some CBT or something. I want to relax my mind, not control it (with pills)
Good idea but also learn things such as mindfullness , meditation . Learn to clear your mind . Your brain has learned to over think things and you have to teach it to be clear again .
Is the fact that I fluctuate between feeling horrible and feeling good a good sign that I wll be okay?
Yes i would say so . What this should show you is that when your thinking is hypo it is effecting things but yet when you are calmer it is better. You need to work on reducing the bad times .
Just think of a time when you have been stuck in your thoughts and feeling bad and someone comes and has a talk with you and you start to focus on that and forget your problems and feel better only to start to feel bad again when they leave and you are tuck in your own thoughts.
Ugh I just feel that I have no control over this anxiety. don't know how to explain it. Like, it is just something that is completely grown on me, like it is permanently implanted. I'm sure other people have felt like this?
Yes it can feel like this but you need to set a plan in action and except that you have anxiety and it will take a while for you to change the way your body reacts to things . Just has it has to learn it . You need to set in place tools on how you are going to react to the symptoms in order not to feed them . Anxiety takes a while to recover from and as soon as you learn this and stop feeding it with thoughts of not being able to cope or that you are stuck with it forever the quicker you can move on to recovering .
Just a question, do people ever completely 100% recover from anxiety? or do they live their life 99% or 95% okay?
In a word yes i beleive we do , I believe that when we recovery we become better , we learn to be able to handle stress better than we did before we crash . This is not to say we wont have stress . Stress is a natural part of life that every person on the planet has it.
The differents between recovery and having anxiety just comes down to the way we learn to handle llife and the stresses it has
cheers kev :D
so you are saying that if a set of twins were born and were seprated at birth and both suffered from panic attacks then they learned it from one another? :roll: :roll:
how is that possible when they would consider each other perfect strangers and have no ounce of communication from one another?
this LEARNED anxiety is a bunch of foolishness. How the hell do you LEARN anxiousness lmao ?
even if you mimick anxiousness from what you see it doesn't mean you will experience the sensations and symtoms of anxiety.
No one can teach someone what it FEELS like to have anxiety disorder.
how the hell can you experience DP without actually feeling the symptom? :roll:
06-29-2010, 05:34 PM
and for the record I did not grow up knowing anyone with anxiety disorder or someone who was "anxious." Hell I didn't even know what anxiety or panic attacks was until after I experienced it.
06-29-2010, 11:25 PM
your subconscious mind learns it
Just as it learns to walk , talk , eat , stratch your nose all without you thinking. Your subconscious mind does 95% of things for you without you even thinking about it .
It is your subconscious mind that sees fear and reacts to it automatic as it has leanred to do . As you have been telling it to do from the moment your anxiety hit . It may not have caused it but it has learned to be anxious and needs to relearn not to .
No one can teach someone what it FEELS like to have anxiety disorder.
This may be the case but you teach yourself and your subconscious mind how to react . Just as you dont go and stick your hand on a hot stove because your subconscious mind knows that it will hurt . You could do it but you would have to try hard because your subconscious mind will do what it has to to protect you because it knows it is going to hurt even if your conscious mind is trying to tell it it wont.
But if you told it again and again that there was no problem with it then it will come to believe this and see it as the turth .
cheers kev
07-13-2010, 06:22 PM
if my subconscious learns it then alot of people would learn to be anxious. My co-workers can learn to be anxious then according to your theory but they are not. They see me anxious so how come they don't "learn" it and have anxiety like me? They are around me alot.
07-13-2010, 07:37 PM
if my subconscious learns it then alot of people would learn to be anxious. My co-workers can learn to be anxious then according to your theory but they are not. They see me anxious so how come they don't "learn" it and have anxiety like me? They are around me alot.
Because your co workers dont react to your life do they , They do not talk to you and force you to react to things .
You teach yourself by how you react to something
Example you get a anxiety symptom . Let say fast heart rate . Now before i go on i do not agree that the beginings of anxiety is because of the way we think , yes it plays into it but it is not the true cause and there can be many ..Anyway back to that fast heart rate . By reaction to it with fear you are telling your subconscious that there is something there to fear , it will remember this and the next time it happens your subconscious will react without your conscious coming into play . It does this with many many things .
Take someone that has been to a supermarket all their life , One day they have a attack in the supermarket and panic. The subconscious can not tell the difference that you are panicing because of the symptoms so it thinks that it is something in that supermarket , so the next time you go there it will react with the flight and fight response because it believe you are in danger and it is trying to protect you . It is not doing anything wrong only what it is made to do and that is to protect you .
Another example when you are a kid you walk up to the fireplace and put your hand on there , It is hot maybe it burns so you pull away . Your subconscious will remember that feeling , it will remember that it is pain . So the next time you touch that fireplace by mistake by the time you know whats happening your subconscious will react and move your hand . It is something it learns and never forgets .
When my kids were born they are giving a Vit K needle , they didnt cry . so i asked the doctor why and the answer is because they dont know what it is they had not learned about pain because they had never faced it . But the second needle they know and they feel the pain in a different way.
Your co- workers are no different from you , if they got anxiety one day and started to react to it the same as you do then they would be stuck in the same place .
It is the things that we teach our subconscious that tells it how to react . It has no reasoning so weather you tell it that there is a bus coming or if there truely is a bus coming it will react the way it has learned . It will only do what it is taught .
Look i disagree with alot of what is out there about anxiety , i disagree that with most people anxiety begins from thier thoughts . It just happens . One day maybe because of to much stress the body just get tossed out of whack . When this happens fear section of the brain becomes hypo active and starts to see fear everywhere. But i do agree that our thoughts are what keeps it going .
It is us telling ourselves over and over again things such as I cant cope , im so scare and the all the other negitives thoughts that feed off of this that keeps axniety going . By changing these thoughts to more postive ones we retrain our subconscious to start seeing the truth and not what it believes is the truth.
You must look at recovery on two levels , First is to remove the stress as much as you can and counter react that stress with things such as relaxing , meditation and second is to address the thoughts that you have . These thoughts are not your fault they are a reaction to what you are going though and a physical symptom from that part of the brain that is in overdrive .
Just sit and think about your fears and how many of them make no sence on a conscious level but they do in your subconscious because it is something it has learned .
The subconscious runs about 95% of our body and what we do .
Hope that helps some more
cheers kev :D
07-20-2010, 05:48 PM
Because your co workers dont react to your life do they , They do not talk to you and force you to react to things .
That did not make sense to me. You still haven't explained how anxiety can be LEARNED. So your saying anxiousness is learned through someone else's subconsious? :unsure: You said it's all in your subconcious. Well if anxiousness is in your OWN subconcious there is no way another person can LEARN the sensations and feelings of anxiety.
The reason why some don't have anxiety who are constantly around people WHO actually suffer from anxiety cannot be explained because LEARNED anxiety does not exist.
You get anxiety from your own personal experiences in your social environement that causes heavy stress. It's not a cold. Just because your mom or dad have it, doesn't mean you learn it from them because you don't know what's going on in their brain. :)
07-20-2010, 08:28 PM
You get anxiety from your own personal experiences in your social environement that causes heavy stress
Correct . Now go and reread what i wrote .
I said you learn it from the way you react to this stress , from the way you learn to handle the symptoms of stress . Everyone gets stress only some get anxiety because they are scared of the symptoms of stress and this feeds anxiety and feeds more anxiety .
Because your co workers dont react to your life do they , They do not talk to you and force you to react to things . That did not make sense to me. You still haven't explained how anxiety can be LEARNED
Do your coworkers feel all the symptoms of stress . NO So how is it that is reacting to them . Who is it that has learned to react to them that way . YOU. You have learned to reacted to those symptoms just as i did and just as i did i learned not to react to them . By learning not to react to them i didnt feed them and my symptoms settled , Therefore i had no symptoms so nothing to react to .
Just because your mom or dad have it, doesn't mean you learn it from them because you don't know what's going on in their brain.
Correct but you learn the way you react to the world from the people around you . So for example if your parents are antisocial then you most likely will be to unless you learn not to be from someone else .
It is not something wrong in your brain , your brain is fine. It is just the way you have learned to react to things in life .
I think you are in your early 20s well when you get to late 30s and you start telling the kids something and you realise that you are so much like your parents . You know that old saying Boy i sound like my father .
Is that better :D
07-21-2010, 12:47 AM
I accept that I have anxiety and that it is the cause of alot of my health issues but I cant get away from the feeling of what if its not this time? What it is serious?
Sometimes nothing will trigger it and I will just feel edgy and nervous, sometimes I have good days and I am mostly fine or at least better dealing with it and other days I will just totally breakdown.
Its a real difficult thing to deal with at times, it destroys my life sometimes and I hate it.
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