View Full Version : Been feelin down, anxiety thoughts..

06-08-2010, 01:47 PM
The past few months i've been feeling pretty fucked up. It's like i cant really be happy with life. I havent really been happy in months and its really a burden on me. The only way i can really feel is neutral or mad, its rare im ever happy or excited, just neutral about everything. It's not like im an introvert or a loner or anything too, i have lots of good friends etc.. but I just feel like a zombie, just going through the motions and never looking forward or being content about something, always just in a meh mood.

Around the same time i felt like this ive become slightly paranoid about certain aspects of my life. Sometimes feel like I am gonna be betrayed by all my friends and will end up alone, and this just makes me overthink my life and make false accusations to myself. I know im just making it up and that i should stop overthinking everything but i sometimes i just cant help it. These acute paranoia's sprouted from me lack of ability to be happy with things. I figured if i couldnt be happy people would stray away from me because of my gloomy personality, it kind of causes a chain of my emotions.

I'm not saying that im a nutcase and need therapy, I just needed to vent and find some advice about this. life has been alright and good to me, its just that I really feel like i need that extra boost too push me out of this vicious loop and become a happier person for my friends and family. I smoke almost daily but it really does nothing for me except sometimes give me more paranoid thoughts. Anyone ever feel this way too? any advice or input, or help on how i can find my sought after extra boost? I'm all ears to you, thanks.

06-09-2010, 10:10 AM
I am in therapy and I'm not a nut case :D LOL!!! I can understand where you are coming from. I suffer from anxiety disorder and alot of the feelings are that I just do things becuase I have to and not becuase I really want to, like I used to be.
I don't smoke, but I do drink to ease my symptoms. :cry:
See, we have irrational, catastrophic thoughts. It is hard, but we need to realize they are just that; THOUGHTS! They can bring us down, don't get me wrong, but when you begin to see that they are simply thoughts, and look at what is REALLY happening around you, it makes it easier to accept them as just thoughts.
Was there something that set you off a few months ago to begin being unhappy/having the irrational thoughts?

06-09-2010, 04:55 PM
Thank you for replying:D! I get what you mean these thoughts i have do feel very irrational and I feel like im thinking of the worst case scenario alot. I cant really remember when I started feeling like this but I think i can generally pick it out. you see about a year about alot of my friends completely cut off contact with me and kind of passively denounced my friendship. It hurt but I moved on and made new and great friends. but a few months after this little conflict suddenly i got into contact with them and everything was good with them again! a few months after I was still great friends with them but I started too feel like I couldn't trust them, that they would betray me again and I would end up losing their friendship all over again! I havent really voiced my thoughts too anyone as people would tend too figure me as some paranoid freak or something.

Have you ever felt like this? I'd really like too know if therapy has taught you any coping methods on these destructive thoughts :(

06-09-2010, 05:51 PM
The past few months i've been feeling pretty fucked up. It's like i cant really be happy with life. I havent really been happy in months and its really a burden on me. The only way i can really feel is neutral or mad, its rare im ever happy or excited, just neutral about everything. It's not like im an introvert or a loner or anything too, i have lots of good friends etc.. but I just feel like a zombie, just going through the motions and never looking forward or being content about something, always just in a meh mood.

Around the same time i felt like this ive become slightly paranoid about certain aspects of my life. Sometimes feel like I am gonna be betrayed by all my friends and will end up alone, and this just makes me overthink my life and make false accusations to myself. I know im just making it up and that i should stop overthinking everything but i sometimes i just cant help it. These acute paranoia's sprouted from me lack of ability to be happy with things. I figured if i couldnt be happy people would stray away from me because of my gloomy personality, it kind of causes a chain of my emotions.

I'm not saying that im a nutcase and need therapy, I just needed to vent and find some advice about this. life has been alright and good to me, its just that I really feel like i need that extra boost too push me out of this vicious loop and become a happier person for my friends and family. I smoke almost daily but it really does nothing for me except sometimes give me more paranoid thoughts. Anyone ever feel this way too? any advice or input, or help on how i can find my sought after extra boost? I'm all ears to you, thanks.


Have you thought about what it is that's making you have these feelings? Is it something that's happened to you in life or is it something that's currently happening to you in life, or is it something that's happened to others in life or is happening to others in life? Is there anything someone's doing to you directly in your life or indirectly that's making you have the feelings that you have?

I know how you feel to be paranoid, but then, I've read up a lot of late on situations and events that have happened and continue to happen and they've made me really mad. Trying to take apart why you feel the way you feel is a good start. Trying to find the time in your life when everything was ok and suddenly changed is a great help to dealing with why and what can be done to overcome your "zombie like state" that many of us certainly know about and feel as though we're just making the motions but not really feeling it.

Your thoughts if you feel like divulging that is?


06-09-2010, 07:03 PM
The past few months i've been feeling pretty fucked up. It's like i cant really be happy with life. I havent really been happy in months and its really a burden on me. The only way i can really feel is neutral or mad, its rare im ever happy or excited, just neutral about everything. It's not like im an introvert or a loner or anything too, i have lots of good friends etc.. but I just feel like a zombie, just going through the motions and never looking forward or being content about something, always just in a meh mood.

Around the same time i felt like this ive become slightly paranoid about certain aspects of my life. Sometimes feel like I am gonna be betrayed by all my friends and will end up alone, and this just makes me overthink my life and make false accusations to myself. I know im just making it up and that i should stop overthinking everything but i sometimes i just cant help it. These acute paranoia's sprouted from me lack of ability to be happy with things. I figured if i couldnt be happy people would stray away from me because of my gloomy personality, it kind of causes a chain of my emotions.

I'm not saying that im a nutcase and need therapy, I just needed to vent and find some advice about this. life has been alright and good to me, its just that I really feel like i need that extra boost too push me out of this vicious loop and become a happier person for my friends and family. I smoke almost daily but it really does nothing for me except sometimes give me more paranoid thoughts. Anyone ever feel this way too? any advice or input, or help on how i can find my sought after extra boost? I'm all ears to you, thanks.


Have you thought about what it is that's making you have these feelings? Is it something that's happened to you in life or is it something that's currently happening to you in life, or is it something that's happened to others in life or is happening to others in life? Is there anything someone's doing to you directly in your life or indirectly that's making you have the feelings that you have?

I know how you feel to be paranoid, but then, I've read up a lot of late on situations and events that have happened and continue to happen and they've made me really mad. Trying to take apart why you feel the way you feel is a good start. Trying to find the time in your life when everything was ok and suddenly changed is a great help to dealing with why and what can be done to overcome your "zombie like state" that many of us certainly know about and feel as though we're just making the motions but not really feeling it.

Your thoughts if you feel like divulging that is?


Hello Marcus thank you for replying! :D A explanation of what I think triggered this cycle of anxiety is in a post I made above, but really its in a nutshell. Believe it or not I used too be anxiety free, as short as a year and a half ago, well other then a little bit of girl anxiety and what not. As I stated above that whole situtation I think is what triggered my anxiety-state. The past months ive been trying too help it and reduce it but it has remained dominant over me.

What I feel I need is something too get me out of this loop. I get anxiety thoughts and try too suppress them, but in the end they seep out and overcome me and I convince myself of these irrational thoughts. This makes me depressed which causes my as you put it, zombie-like state of mind.

If you have any questions please feel free too ask, im not shy about my situation and am looking for any help/solutions I can get, thanks! :mrgreen:

06-09-2010, 07:30 PM
Howdy :)

but I started too feel like I couldn't trust them, that they would betray me again and I would end up losing their friendship all over again! I havent really voiced my thoughts too anyone as people would tend too figure me as some paranoid freak or something.

Why would you be some paranoid freak because you place your trust in some friends and they shat on you . What you are feeling is a normal reaction and nothing more . It is very hard to trust someone who has broken that trust . This is why many marriages end after affairs because the trust can not be gotten back . I think you are making it out to be more . I dont see these as paranoia thoughts but more as a normal thing of protecting yourself in case it happens again . Maybe you need to face them and why they did it . Do you know ???? If these friends are no good for your health , then maybe you should move on from them.

I get anxiety thoughts and try too suppress them

This is a big problem that many people have with anxiety. You need to stop surpressing them , you are using so much energy in try to surpress them . When you try to surpress something it dont work . You see them for what they are THOUGHTS nothing more and you say hello to them and move on from them . By holding on to them you give them power and they will not go .

The difference between a person with anxiety and one without is the anxious person will not see these thoughts as a passing thing and will hold onto them like some mad dog. Everybody has these thoughts , we have 70,000 thoughts a day but when we are not anxious they just pass by .

I smoke almost daily but it really does nothing for me except sometimes give me more paranoid thoughts
:shock: Well stop smoking it , anxiety breeds anxiety and if this is making you thing anxious then stop doing it .

cheers kev :D