View Full Version : Quick Question!

06-08-2010, 06:03 AM
Hi guys

Had a really really bad time with my irrational thoughts the past few days. Been constantly crying, had no sleep and totally drained. I had this thought that I would start getting anxious and start thinking horrible things about my parents and naturally I did. Now I keep getting anxious about thinking horrible things when I see people and they are of a sexual nature which is terrifying.

I totally understand that I am having these thoughts because I am anxious. But It is fairly constant all day every day. It is all down to my anxious imagination!

CAn someone please reassure me that I wont think like this when the anxiety has gone? That is what I am truely scared of!

Thank you!

06-08-2010, 12:19 PM
My anxiety is waaaaaayyyy down from when I first started therapy. The thing is, thoughts will keep coming, less and less, but I still get them. It's how we handle the thoughts when they come, rather then just not having them at all. Humoring the thought helps me and being mindfull. For example, I always think I will have a heart attack. So when the thought comes I say "yes, I will have a heart attack @ 28 years old and shock my cardiologist and become a medical miracle." Then, after I humor my mind, I become mindfull, by saying, "I have no proof that something is wrong with my heart and what really is happening is that I am nervous shopping in this store, not that I am suffering a heart attack." It seems like a long process, but it really isn't. It does help, though realizing it is SIMPLY A THOUGHT and nothing more. It's irrational what we think.