View Full Version : Fear of schizophrenia

06-03-2010, 11:12 AM
I recently developed anxiety a month and a half ago. My mom has it, and so do my aunts and uncles. I sound like a broken record, but I am absolutely terrified of going psychotic or schizophrenic. I am not afraid of anything else. I have calmed myself down a bit, until earlier today, I read that 63% of people with the disease have no relatives with it, which made me absolutely terrified. A one in 100 chance of getting it seems huge. I am turning 17 in a few weeks, and so it is not like I am past the age of getting it, I actually have just started. It is absolutely controlling my life, and I just feel this impending doom that I will start developing it tomorrow or in 20 years. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME. This is so upsetting!

06-03-2010, 07:44 PM

Everybody feels anxiety, whether in a smaller or larger level, they just may deal with it better or a bit worse. But there is always room for learning how to better cope. Feeling anxious is a normal human experience... we have to deal with the symptom, and with the causes, for it to go away.

By reading some of the experiences of people from this forum, I think you'll realize that the fear you feel, concerning developing something more serious, is one that many anxious people have. However, these are things that won't come to pass, at least not due to the anxiety.

Try to find things to take your mind off the recurring thoughts of illness, especially as they seem to be the whole trigger for your anxiety.

Anxy Ninja
06-03-2010, 07:54 PM
don't worry so much about it, this is what anxiety does, it tricks you into thinking things are real. and you seek reassurance on the internet by looking at the characteristics that fits schizophrenia, right?

either way, people here will help you out.

06-04-2010, 06:31 PM
well, yes, I have. I know I don't have it now, no doubt, but it seems like it is something that WILL happen, it is just that there is no proof of it. Because of my anxiety, I feel different than others, and I feel that because I feel like this, I will develop the disease. Even the name scares me now, I just can't look at it. I know that anxiety cannot turn into schiz, but it is just so terrifying.

Anxy Ninja
06-05-2010, 12:47 PM
yea, i know that feeling. the feeling that it WILL happen is all too scary, don't worry, it's all the anxiety.

06-09-2010, 09:56 PM
I have had the same fear. So I understand where your coming from. Now I'm no expert, but Im' almost positive that people that suffer with this disease most of the time don't know it, nor do they anticipate it.

Also, if there is one thing that I can't get out of my head with you, is that your 17. With anxiety (or atlest my experience) you start to fear things like this when other things are going on. 17: graduating high school, perhaps going to college, leaving home maybe? uncertain what your going to do? or maybe it's causing a break up. Start facing any of those issues, when the irrational fears come up. It's a lot easier said than done. It's a long hard road in recognizing where the real problems are, but it's doable.

06-10-2010, 07:09 AM
Don't spend any more time researching this disease. The more you do the more your anxieties will convince you that you will get it. It's basically like being a hypochondriac except with a mental disorder rather than a physical disease.

06-10-2010, 10:24 AM
oh trust me, I hate looking at it in any way shape or form. i know the general symptoms, and learning more about the horrible things that happen would just make me more anxious.

06-10-2010, 08:05 PM
I have had the same fear. So I understand where your coming from. Now I'm no expert, but Im' almost positive that people that suffer with this disease most of the time don't know it, nor do they anticipate it.

Also, if there is one thing that I can't get out of my head with you, is that your 17. With anxiety (or atlest my experience) you start to fear things like this when other things are going on. 17: graduating high school, perhaps going to college, leaving home maybe? uncertain what your going to do? or maybe it's causing a break up. Start facing any of those issues, when the irrational fears come up. It's a lot easier said than done. It's a long hard road in recognizing where the real problems are, but it's doable. I don't understand why people think those are problems. Those aren't. Things like that shouldn't stress you out. I was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of liver cancer in january, but I had surgery for it, I'm fine now. I guess that also makes me see the real problems in life. That told me to not take my health for granted. Then I have this anxiety, and I fear losing my mind as well. So now I don't take my mental health for granted either. I actually just finished my sophmore year (today :D) (I repeated a year, btw) I've just never worried about those things. Because I know it will always work out. Things like that do not frighten me. It is my health.

06-10-2010, 08:45 PM
Hey alex,

Sounds like a lot of people have bringing out those things. Last June my Son had a siezure, in november I sperated from my relationshop, which was way over do. Not healthy.. Something, I don't know what, but something was giving me such bad anxiety, i worried about my health, then I worried about my mental health. And yes everyone was telling me, it's everything going on in your life. That's what's causing all this. I told them the same thing you told me. It "shouldn't" stress me out this bad... Well it did. I didn't think so, i am thankfull that I had a lot of people telling me (persistanly, I don't know if I would of had that much patients with myself, I'm blessed) to just wait it out. I still deal with anxiety, now but it's not that bad, and I'm hopefull that things good are to come.

Now, gotta watch the "should/shouldn't" word. I noticed that this anxiety issue, i had to find and search for the things that were bothering me. Most people go to the pool with their toddlers and get nervous and know that they are nervous because they are at the pool, and they gotta keep a close eye on em. Just recently. I'd go to the pool with my kids, (toddlers) and for some weird reason I'd start to get nervous, and that's when all My fears of mental illness would pop up. So weird. I couldn't figure it out. I don't know if other people can agree, but I'd sit there, and after some time, I would think, every time I come to the pool with my kids....hmmmmm? Amongst other things that stressed me out. Under times of stress I would start having these fears. At first i couldn't understand it, now when the fears come up, I think... What's going on right now?? Normally there is something.

My point. My expereince, is that you will expereince anxiety and irrational fears under times of stress and it's not connected to what is truely stressing you out. Just have to spend some time, linking your anxiety to life, once you can do that you can learn to ride it out. Then the fears don't have much power. Nor does the anxiety, because it always stops... If you can't find it, then sit through the anxiety and tell yourself "atleast I'm doing a good job dealing with the anxiety, and I'll find what's bothering me later." Even if you don't beleive it.

Now I'm no genius in saying that your biggest problem in your head right now is the fear of going schitzo... Not reality itself.

I'm willing to bet that it's the transition in your life. Where your at in your life is (IS)very stressfull, transitioning into adolescence. If there is one thing that is eating at you, recognize it, and go towards it. What ever that is, soul searching the name of the game, you'll get through it.

I remember being 17 years old, and I moved out, and made my transistion, i came to my dad's house. Told him that i was scared, and asked if he had any extra work in his shop, to put me to work. I figured the more money I had the less scared I'd be. It was a stressfull transition. It is for everyone.
Now money isn't your answer. It took care of my fear, at the time, and I was productive doing it.

Your going to be fine, I have been where you are, it ain't easy, but stop shoulding on yourself. Your human, things are going to stress you out.

If you have any questions IM or post here. Or e-mail me : [email protected]

I have been in the same mind frame you are in, and I found what worked for me.

06-11-2010, 01:34 PM
my dad was 55 when I was born, which apparently means I have a 3% chance of developing a schizo spectrum disorder. This isn't helping.

06-11-2010, 03:20 PM
I read that 63% of people with the disease have no relatives with it, which made me absolutely terrified. A one in 100 chance of getting it seems huge. I am turning 17 in a few weeks, and so it is not like I am past the age of getting it, I actually have just started. It is absolutely controlling my life, and I just feel this impending doom that I will start developing it tomorrow or in 20 years. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME. This is so upsetting!
alex, when a male gets close to 18, yes, they could be fearful of getting that disease. My stepson became schizo at 18. But his mother and her twin sister had it. His grandmother had it. Looks like his half brother was coming down with it when he was 17. It was all over the place in his family tree. His sister did not get it. I look at my grandchildren and wonder if one of them will get it.
but he's taken care of for life and all he has to do is take his pills to keep the voices at bay. no problem.
i believe it is a very genetic disease.
you may get your anxiety manifestions that scare you into thinking you're getting that way. but that's not the same as having that disease. anxiety may have you fearing losing control. but, maybe, if one really does lose control ~ maybe it ain't as bad as fearing it...

06-11-2010, 04:19 PM
I'm a girl, for the record. :D Which means I have longer then men to worry about this, as women usually develop it at a later age. :|

True. I'm trying to keep telling myself it's the anxiety. Anxiety of going crazy is not the same as going crazy. But the feeling of anxiety doesn't help.

06-11-2010, 04:25 PM
hesson81, I think I understand. I noticed that my anxiety got worse when I was in latin class. Last year, I took it, and I did so horribly in the class, and I just did not enjoy it. I completely dreaded it. maybe simply being in the room made me feel more anxious. it also got pretty bad in the auditorium for assemblys. I don't know why I would be afraid of that. Maybe I should start keeping track of my situation when I get anxious.

06-11-2010, 04:27 PM
oops! sorry alex. yea, females show signs around 25.

06-13-2010, 09:24 PM
Yea keep track of wnen you start havong anxiety, and keep track of where your thoughts are. Remember this Equation.

Anxiety =____________
Pecieved limited resources to deal.

When you think about it we really have nothing to fear in this world. our issues come more so from out Perceived inablity to deal with our fears. You can handle it, you can live through the anxiety. You have the resources to deal. Just gotta lie to yourself enough to start beleiveing it.

06-15-2010, 06:04 AM
my biggest fear by far. without a doubt, it is the one thing i cannot shake. im 20yr male. However i have a feeling that even if i was 26 (18-24 is the range males are most susceptible) I would still fear it.
about 60-90% of my anxiety is about going crazy. When my anxiety is bad, it only takes a couple of wierd thoughts for me to think am i going mad, is this early signs of schizo. deja vu makes me so anxious i think its a sign of schizo. so lame.
then i dont feel anxious and i feel like an idiot and annoyed at such outrageous thoughts. my psychologist tells me im very far from going schizo. obviously. I just wished whatever consciousness my anxiety is attending to would believe it.
unfortunately, i don't have the answer. my only advice is, it doesnt matter when your most susceptible to it, you will always fear it until you fix the fear (however that is done)
when i find the cure to anxiety, ill give you a buzz

06-15-2010, 02:06 PM
Everytime I mention it ot my mom, she goes, 'oh, please!' and my mom mentioned it to my gp yesterday and she said the same, 'oh my god, you're not gonna get it!' I always think, 'How on earth do you know?!'

I feel like it's gonna happen. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. that's what scares me so much. And now I am afraid of contracting toxoplasmosis gondii. (It's a parasite that can cause schizophrenia, and it comes from cats.) I have two cats, one of them hunts mice, and they both go outside to go to the bathroom. Now I'm afraid of my yard, and I don't let my cats touch me. I'm afraid my (four) dogs got it on their fur or in their saliva, so I don't really like to touch them all that much. :(

anxiety is a bitch. :roll: