View Full Version : Update with some specific questions

06-03-2010, 06:31 AM
Hi i have posted on here before over 3 years ago and its been up and down since then but over the last 2 months i am getting alot worse again

I was wondering a few things that i hope someone can answer.

can hot weather make you out of breath and have anxiety?
I have been getting worse on hot days i really struggle to breath

is heat intolerance a sympton of anxiety?
I get really bad symptoms when im hot and stuffy mostly chest pains and out of breath

I was ok for the last year or so still suffered but nothing as bad as what it was it just kind of dulled, I started drinking heavily and smoking heavily during this time up until now and my weights gone up by nearly 2 stone.

In that year the thing is I dont excersice at all im afraid to incase it makes me have a heart attack as imk convinced somthings wrong with my heart due to my bad health.Im going to the doctors today but Im not sure what say he has seen me so many times although not recently.

Since I last posted 3 years ago I have had a sigmoidscopy for stomach issues and was told i have spastic colon and fecal clumping.I also had a treadmill test which they said was fine only that I have sinus bradycardia This has sacred me they didnt seem concered saying people who are fit have it well im certainly not im very unfit!

well all this is coming to a head now Im having all day feeling breathless with chest pains and convinced im going to have a heart attack soon :( :( sorry for the long post I know its hard to read others problems when we all have our own but any feedback would be really appreciated

best wishes