View Full Version : anixtey and dizziness?????

06-03-2010, 05:39 AM
have u guys ever had dizziness when ur laying down with ur eyes closed?? like it doenst happen right away but after a few mins...then it seems to spin and then when I open my eyes it stops and its fine....could this be anxiety????

im soo worried about being dizzy always...and i am soo worried about sleeeping and getting dizzy...soo could this be casued by anxiety???

does anyone else get this feeling??

please help me!!!! :(

06-03-2010, 06:46 AM
Yeah I know this feeling so well. It's like your body relaxes and then goes into a dizzy panic ? I get the feling when I am trying to sleep or even when I am trying to relax/lay down in the garden, I get it alot when I am meditating, I only startd meditation this last week, but I have found it's helping with this symptom - Maybe it's kind of helping/teaching my body not to be scared or relaxing ?

06-03-2010, 06:51 AM
I am worried its an inner ear problem...do u have an inner ear disorder??

so u get the same feelings?? like when u open ur eyes everyhting is fine...

sry i am just really worried and really hoping its not an ear problem