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06-02-2010, 01:22 PM

I am new here. Just coming to grips with my anxiety disorder. It had always been attributed to depression but myself and my doctor both realized the depression is a symptom of the anxiety disorder and my ocd.

I started a new job a few months ago, lost two friendships (one being a romantic partner) and moved due to extenuating circumstances (it was a good move, but hard). The majority of this has all happened in the past three weeks.

So new job, new place, loss of routine, loss of support...let the anxiety begin (continue)...I started my meds again...sleep has still not been restored...but the lorazepam is helping for that...I just hate the way it makes me feel the next day.

Right now...I am worried about getting fired from my job...ugh...

06-03-2010, 06:12 AM
I know how routine is important to some of us and in fact I attribute the fact that my anxiety has declined significantly to the fact that I have been able to establish a good routine. Try not to worry about getting fired and do your best to develop a routine there as well as at the new home. It seems that a lot of your issues might be able to relax slightly once you are used to the situation you find yourself in. I was having a slight anxiety morning today which is why I hoped on today. I hope I can help but I don't have the best advice as I do not have ocd (at least i have not be diagnosed yet! little hypochondria joke) but while I am at work I get up and do a stretch routine every other hour. Not only does it break up the day well but it helps relief some of the stress.

06-03-2010, 07:23 AM
Heya...yeah...routine is what I need to focus on.

Even before my old place was so small I spent most of my time out and about. Now I have an actual apartment I can spend time in and be comfortable...and it is stressing me out...lol.

I am doing everything I need to at this job. But even a small slip up, or a small oversight which can be easily recitified...it is throwing me for a loop. I just have to keep showing up and doing what I am doing. To my understanding I do it well...but...that irrational part of my brain kicks into high gear.

Couple that with heartbreak...and my brain is a three ring circus.