View Full Version : Complete Insanity Breakdown

06-02-2010, 06:31 AM
I am in the worst breakdown in my 30 years of anxiety. I am paradoxical to ALL anxiety drugs so that is not an option (have tried them all).

I was doing really bad when it was discovered I am hypoglycemic - which many anxiety people are. It came to the point that every time a I art I had a hypo event. So then I became afraid to eat.

Then I got a glucose meter and became obsessed with taking samples and trying to figure out what to eat. Only the results never were consistent.

Then 4 different doctors and 4 different diagnosis and ways of treating the condition. My anxiety was now off the charts.

My anxiety is so bad I walk and pace all day, I am sleeping only 2 to 3 hours and going insane and this has been going on for several months. I can't work and can barely feed and bathe myself. I am so sick I can hardly keep myself alive.

Has anyone else ever been this bad - would love to talk to you - I am in a black pit of despair that I never knew existed.


06-02-2010, 09:36 AM
what exactly causes your anxiety? it has to be something on your mind that kept it going for so much time and to this point..

06-04-2010, 03:30 AM
Hi Razz,

Have you thought back to when you had your first panic attack? Have you tried to come to a conclusion as to why you had it? Do you meditate and breathe deeply in order to stop it coming?

One thing I've found about panic attacks is that those whom suffer from them are very caring individuals and in my case, think too much. Sometimes I wish I didn't have all this information floating around in my head and I could just be plain pig ignorant. I've really found that breathing deeply helps incredibly and breathing so deep that it brings on yawning is the best solution when I get panic.