View Full Version : Hello everyone!

06-01-2010, 04:07 PM
Hi, my name is Jeff and I'm 24 years old. I'm hoping that joining this forum will help with the process of overcoming the anxiety that I have been experiencing for some time. I have general anxiety that has gotten progressively worse as my life has become progressively more complicated. In addition, I've had social anxiety for years (since high school, I believe), as well as some phobias, OCD and depression.

I am happy to join this new online community and hope that together we can help each other.

06-03-2010, 06:14 AM
I personally have found the forum helpful at times and let me just say that my anxiety is finally under control. I would never use the word cured as anxiety is just a natural part of life but if you can put your mind to it with a little help you can lead a very happy life. I know I am but it wasn't long ago that I was a horrible mess. Anyway good luck to you!

06-03-2010, 06:49 PM
vanphelan, thanks for your reply. I find courage knowing that former anxiety sufferers, such as yourself, have managed to overcome this condition and go on to lead happy, healthy lives. Not long ago I went to go see my doctor to discuss the medication I'm on, and he said that he knows people that have overcome anxiety. Thus, I know that anxiety can be overcome, so for that reason I haven't lost hope. I feel like I've lost much control of my life, but I have not lost hope.

Sometimes I think that the more I think about my anxiety, about how much I want to get rid of it, the worse it becomes. This is true even though I'm hopeful that I will one day come out of this.