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View Full Version : lump in throat , chest tightness/heaviness+short breathing

05-31-2010, 12:42 PM
Hey! Hru? Today was awful for me...I suspect I suffer from anxiety, as all tests I've done came out negative. At first, I started to feel that lump at the base of my throat, right in front of my trachea , under the skin....it was choking me really bad and ,as usual, it's not visible to the eye. I noticed that lying down in my bed, face down, with no pillow under my head, made me feel better.I tried to get some sleep, but these thoughts that something bad is going to happen to me won't let me sleep.After 4 hours of lump in throat, I noticed it was slowly moving down...step by step, it went to the middle of my chest...next moment I started worrying about heart attacks.Lying down in my bed and relaxing, with my eyes closed, helped me again...but as soon as I get up and start becoming active again,the sensation of heavy chest comes back...along with shortness of breath and cold hands.There are 3 more tests I need to do: thyroid scan, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) and throat investigation. All I need from you is some reassurance that this is normal with anxiety and stress...all of you who experience what I'm experiencing are invited to share their thoughts. Thank you! I wish you best of luck and health!

05-31-2010, 07:55 PM
First, I think it is wise to have this lump in your throat checked out. A thyroid scan and upper GI would be good diagnostic tests. Also seeing an ENT if they are normal would be good. Not sure what tests you've had so far. As far as I know, anxiety can produce a smothering sensation like you are being choked. For me anyway. I also get short of breath. Have you seen anyone for anxiety? When does this happen? Do you have any other symptoms? If it's not anxiety, it may be GERD. Have you tried an acid reducer like pepcid or tums? Hope you feel better and get some answers!

06-01-2010, 09:37 AM
First, I think it is wise to have this lump in your throat checked out. A thyroid scan and upper GI would be good diagnostic tests. Also seeing an ENT if they are normal would be good. Not sure what tests you've had so far. As far as I know, anxiety can produce a smothering sensation like you are being choked. For me anyway. I also get short of breath. Have you seen anyone for anxiety? When does this happen? Do you have any other symptoms? If it's not anxiety, it may be GERD. Have you tried an acid reducer like pepcid or tums? Hope you feel better and get some answers!

I will get a thyroid test and a GERD test done,as soon as possible.I didn't go to any doctor yet, as I am not yet sure what it is.This lump at the base of my throat appears and disappear randomly.Sometimes it's in the throat, then I feel it in my chest..I noticed that if I take my mind of it and keep my self busy, especially when doing physical effort, it goes away.My instinct tells me it has something to do with the muscles in my throat and chest..I feel it as a muscle tension and I don't know how to control it.Sometimes I get this weird thought that if I can just start crying, it will make it go away.But I can't, no matter how hard I try.Maybe with xanax I might get some results, but I'm afraid of it.My GP prescribed it for me long time ago, but I didn't even buy it.Also, when the lump is present and it's choking me, I tend to yawn a lot and breath faster.OOOOH, why won't it just go away for good and never come back? I won't miss it. It's true, my last 5-6 months have been quite stressful and full of bad news, negative thoughts like "what if that...? / and what if that....?" , but I wouldn't expect it will get me to this point. Thanks , Pebbles...for your concern! Have a nice day!

PS. : I also feel some sort of hunger for air,even when the lump is not present...I can't explain it, as my breathing rythm is in normal values, still , once in about 7-8 minutes I feel the need of a deep breath...it's like my brain is playing with me, sending me false informations and making me BELIEVE I need more air.The doctor listened to my lungs and read my oxigen level, and said it was all ok..I don't cough, I don't feel any pain in lungs area...I know this might be the anxiety playing with my mind, but I'm tired of it and I just want it to go away...

06-01-2010, 11:34 AM
I know I also get "air hunger" like I need to take a deep breath and constantly yawn trying to het that air. That could very well be anxiety. You may want to try the Xanax that your doctor gave you and see if this helps. I take Ativan and I was very scared to take it at first too. I finally took it and it does help during those really hard times. It is best to try other ways to calm yourself and stop anxiety rather then relying on medications but you may need it for a short while or just as needed. Good luck to you and I hope you feel better and get to the bottom of your problem!!

06-01-2010, 11:52 AM
thanks, pebbles! I wish you best of luck and health! :)