View Full Version : Antibiotics and anxiety

05-30-2010, 09:48 PM
Has anyone tried an antibiotic that didn't cause anxiety? I've been on three or four and they all have made me anxious. Thanks!!

05-30-2010, 09:53 PM
HI rosewind :D

I dont think it is the anti are causing the problem

Antis would have to be one of the most abused and used pills in the world . I have taking alot and never had anxiety from them

Are you sure it is not your mind telling you that you should fear them .

Is there a reason behind why you are scared of them

cheers kev :)

05-30-2010, 10:09 PM
Yes, 10 years ago I had an ear infection, went on antibiotics. I started feeling very anxious, couldn't eat, sleep, think. Went back to doctor and he said I had anxiety disorder. After two months of antibiotics and anti depressents and anti anxiety meds I went off of them and worked for the next 2 years on getting my life back.

3 years later I had bronchitis and went on antibiotics again. After a few days I started feeling anxious, couldn't eat.... I noticed that this was the same way I was feeling before so looked up the side effects. Anxiety is one of them.

A year ago I had to go back on them, didn't read the side effects, but my doctor assured me they didn't cause anxiety. Well, after three days it was back again.

Now I have a sinus infection and after researching antibiotics they all seem to have that side effect. Freaks me out that I may have to go back on them. Was hoping someone knew of one without the side effect.

05-30-2010, 10:26 PM
Hi Rose

hmmm Minds a very powerfull thing .

You do know anxiety and depression is also a side effect of every anti depression and anxiety drugs out there .

Ok , maybe your body does not agree with them but i think it is more your mind that is causing it . I would say if your chem swap them for sugar pills you would react the same .

Anyway from someone that has huge sinus problems . I dont think antis will help .
Go to health shop and get a neti pot and wash your sinuses out with warm salt water . Pump yourself full of garlic , horseradish and vit C

cheers kev :)

08-28-2011, 04:31 AM
Some Antibiotics Can Cause Anxiety