View Full Version : ocd additional comments

05-29-2010, 11:24 AM
Hi everyone . Was thinking some additional thoughts regarding ocd after my post a couple of days ago. Today is a new day a chance to be moving towards the best version of myself- thats the goal. Its interesting, I never
thought in this positive way until recently. Besides mental issues complacency is a factor for me. Also, Im not getting any younger and
have kids. Although im geting better with my maturity,knowledge and will
power i still get stuck in my own thoughts. This wastes time and energy.
Some examples: out of the blue i developed a fear of driving on the
parkway after years of doing it easily - then it went away. Like the other
examples this becomes a case where I anticipate this fear and this takes on alife on its own including worrying if any one will notice my nervousness. Like I said I wouldnt give driving a second thought now.
I have always overthought,overanalyzed things too much and than worried that I was and that I did that. These thought patterns are rediculous I realize and since Im so in touch with the stupidity of it
I can snap myself out of it- but it is still holding me up. Another example
is asking a question and worrying I wont understand the answer by becoming cluttered with feelings i will make myself not being able to answer . This can be for the for the most simple question and can make me appear stupiid- it undermined my education and life . In other words
afraid of being afraid. By the way I know the answer to the question and
hear the answer well the first time. I make things mre complicated.
This comes and goes and sometimes I dont overthink things and feel
confident. Also if I did math and could not get the answer I would think
about trying t figure it out literally all day! Of course its hard to understand something when you overanalze and worry if you will tense up. I know Im rambling but had limited experience with therapy and it
was not helpful or impressed by it .Celexa and other meds had little effect
made me feel disconnected and hated the sex side effects. Take
xanex now as needed 2x a day. I feel like I can help myself. Any advice?:
meditation,herbal/naturel remedies,books,martial arts etc.... So far I feel
like I have gotten more input from these forums than the few months of therapy. Thank you.

05-29-2010, 02:56 PM
I'm in CBT, what was it about therapy you didn't like?

05-29-2010, 06:20 PM
Did not Incorprate cbt - therapist said I was alreadyin touch with my
behaviors and handling them. Basically just rehashed the same issues
with little insight. Has cbt helped much for you .I know this sounds simple but what about recognizing the behavior and just saying its irrational and trying to clear your mind?

05-31-2010, 11:12 AM
Yes, it is working for me. I have all the tools now I need to get through my days successfully, with anxiety & panic, or without. I do have many irrational fears/thoughts, and I wish I could have figured that out on my own, but I needed the therapy. I am going full force on the exposures at this time.