View Full Version : Strange pressure in front of head and nose

05-29-2010, 09:36 AM
Hi all,

So for the last couple of months I have been getting many of the anxiety symptoms however over the last month new symptoms have developed that are freaking me out. Every now and again I get a strange feeling like prssure building in my head it usually goes from the front of my nose to my forehead and can feel worse if I'm bent forward. I was kept in hospital about amonth ago for gallstones and doc did blood test/blood pressure/temprature any every thing was normal except for a slightly raised white cell count whitch didn't concern them. But these new sensations are freaking me out! my smell/eyesight/balance seem fine but when I get these pressure sensations it feels like my head is going to explode and really scares me. So I did the worst thing I could do I googled syptoms of pressure in head and was bombarded by pages about brain tumors aarrrggghhh so now thats all I can think about and I am really freaked out. I will go to the docs on monday to ask about these symptoms but has anyone else had these symptoms as part of their anxiety just so I can reassure myself that the sensations may not nessisarilly be a brain tumour.

05-29-2010, 11:44 AM

I get this pressure all this time, it can spread all over my head and it goes to the bridge of my nose. Infact today it's been there all day.

I was convienced I had a tumour but I had a brain scan and it was all clear !!

Hope this makes you feel better x

05-29-2010, 11:48 AM
i get this also...and in my temples behind my eyes..sigh it sucks :cry:

05-29-2010, 02:04 PM
Good to know I'm not the only one. I managed in at the doctors this eveing and they said it didn't look like it was anything to do with a sinus infection and I explained about my anxiety and if it could be that and they said it wasn't an anxiety sympton well I guess they're wrong.

But thanks for sharing and helping me feel a little bit saner then normal xxx

05-29-2010, 03:21 PM
I get this too. Also bad pressure over my eyebrows. Mine has actually increased of late along with alot of other bodily symptons. it sucks. I too convince myslef there is something serious wrong.

05-29-2010, 04:20 PM
I know it's so scary I literally feel likee my head is going to pop, the pressure also happens if I begin to cry. even though the doc looked in my ears and mouth and had a grope in my glands I'm still terrified its a tumor or clot I'm practically holding myself back from running to A & E.

05-10-2011, 09:28 AM
Hi all,

So for the last couple of months I have been getting many of the anxiety symptoms however over the last month new symptoms have developed that are freaking me out. Every now and again I get a strange feeling like prssure building in my head it usually goes from the front of my nose to my forehead and can feel worse if I'm bent forward. I was kept in hospital about amonth ago for gallstones and doc did blood test/blood pressure/temprature any every thing was normal except for a slightly raised white cell count whitch didn't concern them. But these new sensations are freaking me out! my smell/eyesight/balance seem fine but when I get these pressure sensations it feels like my head is going to explode and really scares me. So I did the worst thing I could do I googled syptoms of pressure in head and was bombarded by pages about brain tumors aarrrggghhh so now thats all I can think about and I am really freaked out. I will go to the docs on monday to ask about these symptoms but has anyone else had these symptoms as part of their anxiety just so I can reassure myself that the sensations may not nessisarilly be a brain tumour.

Hey Emma,
I would guess it is anxiety and panic attacks. I have suffered with the same thing for a couple of years now. Worring if I had something wrong with me and all that. You are right, it is SCARY. Feeling like your dying and all that. The best thing that has worked for me is prayer. I have had lots of doctors tell me over and over that there is nothing wrong with me, but it never seems good enough. Get yourself on full checkout to see that you are fine and pray hard. I am sure you will be fine sweetie, so don't worry and let GOD do his work for you.