View Full Version : could it be anxiety? pls, help

05-27-2010, 08:27 AM
:unsure: Hello! How are you? Coz I'm not well at all...It's been 2 months since I'm experiencing these symptoms, and I am not sure what it is. For you to make an idea of my case, I'm going to tell you a bit about my life , starting about 5 months ago...So, it was around january this year when I decided to leave my country and head to a new location (Ireland)..I left behind all my friends, my family, my girlfriend...everything! I came to Ireland to start a new life, find a job, build a future for myself.At first, I was happy...I didn't feel any regrets. Two months past by without me noticing. then problems started to occur.My grandfather got very sick (cancer).Me and my grandfather are like friends, even since I was a kid.(I'm 25 now btw).I don't know how to put this, but hearing this saddened me, though not enough to push me into anxiety.Then I called my girlfriend and convinced her to buy a plane ticket and come visit me...she managed to get 3 weeks off, and came here. I was very happy again, having her beside me, I felt complete, I felt secure and wasn't afraid of anything.Having her with me was like everything I needed...she helped me with everything and I carried her with me everywhere I was going.As time was passing by,the moment when she had to return back home was closer and closer..I was obsessed with this thoughts: "Happy times are coming to an end, she is going back and I'm gonna be left here alone, again"..I wasn't ready to let her go yet.One day, we were walking on the street, discussing,laughing...suddenly, I started to feel an unusual air hunger.Like I couldn't get enough oxigen, no matter how hard I was trying.First 3 days were acceptable, I could live with it, although I was very worried about my health condition.I started to think that it's possible to be very sick. During the fourth day, my breathing got very fast, and I started to panic..I felt was running out time and was really scared.I grabbed my girlfriend's hand, dragged her behind me, and drove the car straight to emergency. I was desperate as I got there. I took a seat and waited for my turn..then I suddenly started to feel like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest, then spiking sensation in my fingers..I felt I was gonna faint.Anyway, finally, after about 15 minutes I started to feel better. I began talking to my gf and forgot about my condition.When the doctors consulted me, they said that my oxigen level was normal, my blood tests were normal and my chest rays were normal. I was amazed.They didn't know what to tell me , so they sent me to my doctor, whom I didn't visit right away.After one week, my gf had to go back home...so there I was, alone and sick, far from home.Three more weeks passed by and new symptoms ocured: chest pain, weakness, heart palpitations with no reason.Also, panic attacks kept showing up every 2-3 days.Seeing things aren't getting better, I decided to visit my GP.That was the most inspired decision I could ever take.The doctor listened to what I had to say, and then he talked to me about....HYPERVENTILATION...which in my case got chronic.What's weird is that he never brought anxiety and panic attacks into discussion.So I left knowing I am suffering from chronic hyperventilation, and slowing down my breathing will make me feel better in time.And that's what happened...hardly, I managed to slow down my breathing, and in time, symptoms started to fade away one by one...the chest pain was gone, panic attacks got fewer and fewer...in the end, hyperventilation was almost gone.What amazed me, and made me thinking, was the fact that the panic attacks won't go away. Beside that, I started to feel something like a lump at the root of my throat, like a constricted throat sensation.It's not always present, as sometimes I don't feel it at all, but then it reappears.I noticed that hearing a bad news, or getting angry, makes it reappear.Sometimes it's there hole day long.I'm taking calcium+magnesium+vit d3, and looks like this helps me, as it makes the lump dissapear sometimes.I don't have difficulties swallowing with it, only it affects my breathing sometimes..(constricted neck)...sometimes it dissapears, and instead , my chest feels constricted. These are the only symptoms left, and doesn't seem like they want to go away. I ran some blood tests for my thyroid hormons, and it came out with normal values.could this be anxiety? could it be the thyroid? should I run more elaborate tests for the thyroid? I'm having a dillema and I have to live with it every day, since 3 weeks ago. So, chronologically , this all started with hyperventilation and chest pain, and got to this point...lump in throat and some panic attacks that I think I learned how to controll...what is your opinion? I am waiting for some answers, pls.Thank you!

05-27-2010, 11:19 AM
sorry, I forgot to add some info that might help: -I'm disturbed emotionally when I hear bad news on TV, I can't stand loud music anymore, I can't stand little kids who come bothering me with questions, I always tend to run away and look for a quiet spot where I can be alone, I'd rather text then talk with someone on the phone, or skype...I wasn't like this at all 2 months ago. :unsure:

05-27-2010, 11:33 AM
Your moving to Ireland probably activated your anxiety. It strikes out of nowhere, when you least expect it, and hard. Even during happy times that seem great can make it come. I havent been the same since I graduated from college over a year ago. It was the 1st time I felt like fleeing and sweaty, and palpitations, and panicky, and didnt know why. I went to the ER about 3 times this past year and have had every single heart test you can imagine done, but it doesnt help me. Trust me, I know what you are going through, but there is help. I have been in cognitive behavioral therapy for 9 months and it is a great help. I am almost done with the therapy itself, but will continue to go becasue I am also going through psychoanalysis. Would you be willing to see a therapist? Or bring up anxiety to your GP?

05-27-2010, 12:19 PM
yea shes rite you moving and all your stress (grandpa) and everything is what caused it.. when i was reading your post you basically described your self obsessing over the fact that your girlfriend was leaving which added more stress and thats why you had a panic attack... anyways like she said talk with your doc and learn about all the symptoms of anxiety it will get better you will have good days and bad days. but its just something that you have to work through to get better.....

best of luck

05-27-2010, 12:37 PM
Your moving to Ireland probably activated your anxiety. It strikes out of nowhere, when you least expect it, and hard. Even during happy times that seem great can make it come. I havent been the same since I graduated from college over a year ago. It was the 1st time I felt like fleeing and sweaty, and palpitations, and panicky, and didnt know why. I went to the ER about 3 times this past year and have had every single heart test you can imagine done, but it doesnt help me. Trust me, I know what you are going through, but there is help. I have been in cognitive behavioral therapy for 9 months and it is a great help. I am almost done with the therapy itself, but will continue to go becasue I am also going through psychoanalysis. Would you be willing to see a therapist? Or bring up anxiety to your GP?

At first, I will bring up my anxiety to the GP....then, he will decide what to do next. Also, I am going to ask his advice about more thyroid tests..if he thinks this will be necesary. I'm sure he will ask me about thyroid antecedents in my family..but there aren't any. Also, I was wondering..if this was thyroid related , wouldn't that lump at the base of my neck be there permanently? wouldn't it be visible to the eye? also, I should be able to feel it when I touch the area with my fingers, shouldn't I? On the other hand, I am also concerned about not feeling other anxiety related symptoms like head-aches, tremors, and so on. That's what makes me so unsure about whether it's anxiety or something else. The only symptoms are those panic attacks which occur from time to time, and this lump at the base of my neck (thyroid area), lump that comes and goes...depending on my mood. kinda weird! :shock: :? :unsure:

05-27-2010, 12:39 PM
yea shes rite you moving and all your stress (grandpa) and everything is what caused it.. when i was reading your post you basically described your self obsessing over the fact that your girlfriend was leaving which added more stress and thats why you had a panic attack... anyways like she said talk with your doc and learn about all the symptoms of anxiety it will get better you will have good days and bad days. but its just something that you have to work through to get better.....

best of luck

ok, mamas! thanx ;) best of luck to you , too!

05-28-2010, 01:36 AM
Anxiety is a tricky thing. It may seem like the triggers of anxiety (moving to a new country, death of a loved one) are the source of your anxiety but make no mistake about it. The true cause of anxiety disorder is the negative thinking patterns that you've developed over the years. These thinking patterns have steadily eroded your self-esteem and built up tons of stress. The anxiety kicks into high gear when something triggers it.

If someone screamed in the mountains and caused an avalanche, you would think that person is to blame. But the real cause of an avalanche is the buildup of accumulated snow. So you might think your spider phobia was caused by that huge spider you found one day in your kitchen sink, but it is not.

Lots of people move to other countries and lose a loved one but they don't develop anxiety. What makes them different from you? They didn't have these thinking patterns. You know, like perfectionist thinking, living by ridiculously high standards, always predicting disaster, constantly imagining that other people think you're an idiot.

So you've got to do something about those thought patterns. My suggestion is that you get into CBT or buy a treatment program off the internet. Also do stuff to take your mind off yourself, like charity work and or get a hobby and throw yourself totally into it. Find distractions and use them everytime you start thinking about your health issues. If you have to worry about health, worry about the health of your loved ones, friends and co-workers.


05-28-2010, 02:34 AM
Anxiety is a tricky thing. It may seem like the triggers of anxiety (moving to a new country, death of a loved one) are the source of your anxiety but make no mistake about it. The true cause of anxiety disorder is the negative thinking patterns that you've developed over the years. These thinking patterns have steadily eroded your self-esteem and built up tons of stress. The anxiety kicks into high gear when something triggers it.

If someone screamed in the mountains and caused an avalanche, you would think that person is to blame. But the real cause of an avalanche is the buildup of accumulated snow. So you might think your spider phobia was caused by that huge spider you found one day in your kitchen sink, but it is not.

Lots of people move to other countries and lose a loved one but they don't develop anxiety. What makes them different from you? They didn't have these thinking patterns. You know, like perfectionist thinking, living by ridiculously high standards, always predicting disaster, constantly imagining that other people think you're an idiot.

So you've got to do something about those thought patterns. My suggestion is that you get into CBT or buy a treatment program off the internet. Also do stuff to take your mind off yourself, like charity work and or get a hobby and throw yourself totally into it. Find distractions and use them everytime you start thinking about your health issues. If you have to worry about health, worry about the health of your loved ones, friends and co-workers.


Thanks, Patrick! :) I will try and take my mind off it... 8) have a nice day!

05-29-2010, 03:57 PM
Yes, distraction is one of the best ways to cure anxiety because your focusing on something other than negative thoughts. Whenever you get anxious try focusing on the stuff you love to do it, it will help you in the long end :)