View Full Version : A Visit with a Doctor

05-26-2010, 11:05 PM
Recently I went to see a psychiatrist as f/u to my taking meds which were not effective. Now of course that is no ones
fault but I still wanted to get something out of the appt. I have only met the doctor a few times and wanted to see
how he operated- no I'm not a professional - but from my experience I should get at least something out of it . The point here is he did no assessment ( until the very end when I remembered to mention my family history) and with all the
experience he has did very little as far as give any information until I asked. I know I have to let others talk more so I made it a point to stop and listen and there was very little coming back. I also understand that that there is absolutely no quick
fix so I dont mean this. The worst was the fact he started dozing off at the very beginning - this gave me no confidence
in this at all. Like everything else some professionals are better than others. Any advice or comments on psych visit experiences, choosing one and what I should expect from it?