View Full Version : Where does this come from? Advice?

05-26-2010, 10:37 PM
Hi- hope everything is going in the direction you want. In my middle
age I have realized or have a better idea about why I am the way I am.
But this also creates more questions. I have GAD (which I didnt realize
till recently] have tried wellbutrin-put me in abit of a fog and celexa
- really didnt notice much difference- and I did give it over 4 weeks.
I actually feel best now and no sex side effects. Any incite on this:
why would I be nervous in some social situations and feel totally calm
in the same situation in previous times - I am very comfortable talking
with people- Im in sales. I feel self conscious and my knees actually shake
-does not make any sense. This unsettled feeling makes me even more
like this- but than it goes away. This however makes me gunshy of life
in general. Seeing a psychologist gave me no incite only this is the way
I'm wired and also childhood embarassments. I would like to lose this
and be free. This happens intermittantly but it does make me avoid things
because being scared of my reactions. Also overthinks things- have
gtten better- but a waste of energy. Any advice- Thank you.