View Full Version : stomach tension

05-26-2010, 10:07 AM
does anyone here get this...it feels tight under my rib cage around the top of my stomach area and its very sore...i did see an article about a guy who had cancer and he hurt in them places cos it had spread so im not sure if my health anxiety is telling me this is what i now have...sigh

05-26-2010, 03:27 PM
Hi Tinkerbell

A anxieous mind will focus on everything that it reads and hears .

I am sure that someone here said that .

You read forums and someone will come on talking about there breathing and then the next few days people will come out of the woodwork talking about the same thing.

I have had the feeling you are talking about and i am sure that it is only muscel related . Remember to just let it pass and play the wait and see game . If its there in a week then check with your doc but untill then just take it as another light symptom of a stressed body
cheers kev :D