View Full Version : Anxiety and Passion Flower

05-25-2010, 07:16 PM
I won't go into my history or things I've tried in the past, except to say I have a general anxiety disorder, primarily social situations. I've read some stuff on Passion flower, but haven't found much to say on first hand experience. I bought some in a dropper bottle yesterday, and feel that it may have helped me sleep, but am anxious to see how I handle it in the day.

I am wondering from people who have tried it:

1) Any side effects, short/long term.
2) Withdrawal symptoms after short/long term usage.
3) Dosage used.
4) How effective it was.
5) Any other notes on experiences with it.

Thank you in advance!

05-28-2010, 02:18 AM
The research they've done on passionflower so far has been very promising, but of course there is no funding for this sort of thing. If they could prove it is just as good as prozac in the long term, the billion dollar antidepressants market would collapse. No one is going to allow that to happen.

If you read about the research, the last time they had controlled studies was decades ago. Some in Germany and one in Iran. The US of course would never research something like that.

I can't find passionflower where I live but it probably works. I've tried chamomile which is good. All these herbal cures take some time to take effect, especially valerian root.

Herbal remedies are just for coping, though. You can't cure anxiety disorder this way. You cure anxiety disorder by going on the offensive, not by playing defence all the time. If you have social anxiety, you may think the logical solution is to avoid social situations, but this is exactly what is maintaining or worsening your anxiety.

You cure anxiety disorder by exposing yourself to your trigger situations and FEELING the fear. Once you feel the fear enough times and realize you're not dead or maimed, it does not come back.

Social anxiety is also caused by negative thinking patterns that make you focus on yourself. When you go to your next party, try focusing on everyone else in the room for a change. What's the first thing you'll notice? Half the people in the room have social phobia. How do you cure your own? By talking to the shy ones and helping them overcome their anxiety. You learn by teaching. Once your confidence comes back, you must do the UNthinkable: throw your own party. Remember, you must go on the offensive with your anxiety to be truly cured.
