View Full Version : symptoms without anxiety

05-23-2010, 11:17 PM
So I am still really new to this, but have been reading a lot of your suggestions and taking the advice and I feel like I'm much more like myself than I was 2 months ago. But I still have a lot of physical symptoms even on my best days. Is this normal, I still get frequent headaches and have a real hard time sleeping, plus I get chest pains a lot and muscle tension. Will this fade as my anxiety fades, because its hard to keep myself from being anxious when the physical symptoms keep coming back.
Thanx to any responses

05-25-2010, 02:36 PM
i have symptoms all day long.. from chest discomfort only on the left side which has now been gone for a week and now i have muscle pain in my left arm in between my elbow and hand.. which then starts my anxiety up. i have brain fog and all sorts of other stuff.. its really frustrating and i dont understand how you can have symptoms and not even really be stressed...

05-25-2010, 10:52 PM
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Most of the time I don't feel all that stressed but symptoms come and go.

05-25-2010, 11:41 PM

So we are not stressed but yet we are showing the signs of stress .

So how often a day do you do something were you are NOT focused on your symptoms .

Your stressed trust me on that and dont try and kid yourself other wise .

Look at it this way , there is a test and i am sure many school kids know this one and it was even on the simpsons at one stage

If you place a mouse in a box and feed it cheese and every time you do this you give it a little shock , well after a while you remove the shock and still feed it cheese its body will still feel the shock . Why because it has learned that the shock comes after the cheese . Its body will brace itself for that shock weather its there or not .

A wives husband gets home at 4 pm every after noon . Goes out and has a few beers in the shed then comes in on dark and beats her . Everytime she hears that back door bang she braces for that beating . Her husband dies one day and the beatings end but yet for months everytime she hears a back door slam shut she jumps .

This is what happened to your body , you lived on high stress for so long and the symptoms of that caused you fear , your body learned this fear and reacted to it . Just because today you may not feel stressed does not mean that your body forgets that fast . Just as when you go to the gym and do a big work out and feel worst the next day

penguino84 Will it fade YES but it takes time and a bit of time . It is like something one day reset your stress level . So now you can handle less stress than you once could . So in order to overcome this you have to face stress , by facing it and passing though it you are training your body again that it can handle that .

Stop worrying about the symptoms . They are only symptoms , they are not going to hurt you and the more notice you give them the longer they stay . The fact that you notice these symptoms tell me you are still stressed. IT is your worry about the symptoms and that fear in the back of your mind that it will come back that is keeping you stressed

cheers kev :D