View Full Version : frustrating thoughts

05-23-2010, 11:40 AM
i just wanted to know that i am not alone and i dont know why i am feeling like this considering 6 months or more ago i had a heart ultrasound and ekgs and wore that heart monitor thing but for some reason my heart issue is back again... i have had some chest discomfort but for the time being its gone and now my left arm is hurting... its uncomfortable between my elbow and hand.. and a couple of days ago i had some jaw pain by my ear. but all this is never at the same time.... its so frustrating i want to be happy again and i just feel like bursting into tears....

05-23-2010, 01:02 PM
I think you've seen/replied on my 'health anxiety' post. Well, my heart is my #1 culprit. I have the general worries about driving and going in public, but it's becuase I am afraid of what my heart will or won't do. I have had 3 holters, numerous ekg's, stress test and an echo all just within 7 months and it's still not enough for me. Everytime I feel a "skip" or a "flutter" I freak out and say, "THIS time is THE time!" Of course, I am still here, but it holds me down from doing so many things-I am even missing the annual family trip to Tennessee this weekend and my husband is going alone with all 4 kids, because I just can't handle it. I cry all the time wondering why I can't "just live" and not worry about my heart so much and be thankful that I truly am healthy, and many people would love to have my heart. I feel selfish, but at the same time the anxiety won't let me be.

05-26-2010, 07:57 PM
do you have any of the symptoms that i described? i dont know why its doing this.... i know that my heart is healthy but the thing that holds my worries is i smoke about a pack and a half a day and i drink soda like crazy and the only exercise i get is running after 2 kids and a dog, and of course cleaning and yard work and occasionally i get on my kids trampoline for a while... i just wish every day for those good days.. you know those ones that make you feel in power of everything. and you feel just really good about everything and you have patience with your kids and all i really pray for a day like that again,,,

05-27-2010, 05:12 AM
Have either of you seen an endocrinologist?

05-27-2010, 11:40 AM
Yes! All the time! Sometimes my left arm hurts (like shooting pain) and sometimes I feel like a dull ache in my chest, also sometimes have a pain in my jaw and I always think I'm having a heart attack. I never think that it's the tension from having anxiety! :roll:

What would an endocrinologist do to us?

05-27-2010, 12:24 PM
all he/she would do really is check your thyroids and yes i had that done last this past september

05-27-2010, 12:38 PM
Endocrinologists should be checking your adrenals as well as other glands, not just your thyroid. (Pheochromocytomas mimic anxiety/panic attacks and many get misdiagnosed this way)

05-27-2010, 12:53 PM
I feel your pain, i have heart anxiety for years now. Right now i have it real bad, so i am having milds chest pains and tightness. I know its stress because if i go outside and do something stressful it goes away. I guess it loosens the muscles up and releives the tension. I would think if it were heart related it would get worse then. But does help me any by telling myself this, nope! I hate it! We are going on a trip to Florida in a little over a week and i have the same concerns but i am going to make myself go because i know, diverting my attention somewhere else will help. and besides...........I NEED A VACATION!