View Full Version : hi im jessica and new

05-22-2010, 10:57 PM
hello! my name is jessica and i just discovered this anxiety forum. i have suffering all my life with worrying and panic attacks and i just thought it was a way of life to worry until i found out i have generalized anxiety disorder. i tried medicine, screw me up, and i really just want to find a way to relieve my self from anxiety without medication. i worry all the time people are going to walk out of my life. get up and leave. i am constantly worrying about what other people think of me when i walk passed them. my heart is constantly racing for no reason. i want it to go away.

05-23-2010, 11:36 AM
i worry all the time about those things. so welcome to the forum... some people just worry more than others and if you dont mind me asking what medicine were you on? i havent tried meds i am to scared.... well anyways best of luck to you