View Full Version : Neck Awareness/Tension

05-22-2010, 04:28 AM
Hi Guys,

So I was suffering from some anxiety, nothing like on a big scale, never really any panic attacks but I did get pretty anxious about certain subjects of my thoughts.

Though I found through cognitive behavioral therapy that I got rid of practically all of that and it's great. However there is now one annoying symptom that remains after it that I cant seem to get rid of.

Whenever I wear some clothing like a t-shirt or a shirt, it's like I'm constantly aware of my neck. I know during anxiety I did have some awareness of my neck and it got tighter and such but this is not as extreme as that. It's just that I'm aware of my neck almost constantly.

This really didnt happen the last 9 months ive been wearing shirts to go to my office job, its only happened after wrestling with anxiety and then getting over it.

I tried using CBT on the neck issue to see if I had any underlying fears about suffocation or restriction of breathing but I don't. It's not that I get conscious thoughts about it. It's just that I focus on it when I'm not doing anything else.

Any advice?


05-22-2010, 01:25 PM
Well I have a fear of heart attack. I do have premature atrial contractions that are benign, but basically, I can sometimes feel my heart skip or flutter. When my heart is being "good" I panic because I feel like my whoel chest is numb. I focus on my chest (rather than neck), and although we arent supposed to "feel" the working's of our chest, I freak out becuase I can't and think it's not working. My therapist says it's just part of the anxiety. *sigh*