View Full Version : I'm scared that I might get lyme disease

05-21-2010, 06:53 PM
I found a tick on me crawling on my shirt a couple days ago. It wasn't engorge with blood or anything but still it crept me out, than today I felt one on my leg and picked it off so I don't think it was biting me yet, but I have a bruise on the back of my ankle, that has a small bump on it, I think it was from the back of my shoe from rubbing on it, but still I'm worrying that I might have it. If anyone was wondering, they where both pretty big and brown with a hard body. I hope that it isn't cause it scares me :(

05-22-2010, 03:15 AM
We can help you with your anxiety on this forum, but we are not entomologists.

Are you actually having panic attacks over this?

05-23-2010, 08:10 PM
We can help you with your anxiety on this forum, but we are not entomologists.

Are you actually having panic attacks over this?

no, but i think it just might be me being a bit of a hypochondriac
oh well, I'll keep an eye on it and see if anything goes weird.

05-24-2010, 12:03 AM
Why don't you just see the doctor and get a blood test? This will let you know if you have anxiety disorder. If you test negative and you stop worrying, you're fine. If you are still worried and go for another test, you definitely have anxiety disorder.

Normal people do not have anxiety when danger passes.
