View Full Version : my anxiety relapse
05-20-2010, 02:46 AM
hey all, was gonna put this in welcome section but figured I'd get better feedback here.
anyways to sum it up, i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at 16. was put on prozac which i stopped taking about 6 months later and felt back to normal ever since.
i'm 23 now, married and recently i've been extremely stressed out and had been having anxiety episodes lately but they weren't too bad, they were kinda touch n go. one night me n the wife were coming home when it happened. i had a major attack. upon arriving at home, i had another one that lasted about 20 minutes (felt like all night). the worst one I've had since i was diagnosed as a juvenile. anyways, i havent felt the same physically or mentally since that night. My attacks are less frequent, but i ALWAYS feel out of body, "transparent", my "tongue on teeth" feeling is different, i feel like Im outside looking in. my evenings are dark and sad now, my visual perception is different.. ugh, it sucks.. does anyone else always feel like this?
05-20-2010, 02:48 AM
sorry I meant does anyone feel like this all the time and not only during an attack, i guess what i mean is does anyone feel long term effects? my initial post was longer but my phone only lets me input so much text, so if anyone has any questions or need more background let me know.
05-20-2010, 12:31 PM
Ok-so you had the meds, then got off of them and was fine, but with this new stress these feelings are coming back?
Sounds like me. I've had anxiety since I was 11 and once I hit teens I felt better until I had my 1st baby (I was 23) and that's the 1st real strssor I had since becoming an adult. I have been "ok" until last year (i am now almost 29). I had attacks off and on since then, but nothing like this where I get the symptoms ALL DAY LONG! Of course the attacks are worse, but I always feel "weird" while driving, like it's not real. Also, feel my vision is awkward. I notice every twitch, twinge and pain ALL DAY. I am right there with you.
I am in CBT, and it is helping, but it seems to work in pieces. For instance, I was afraid to go places and since I have done quite a bit of exposure work, I am better in that area, but now dealing with this.
Let me know more of what you feel on a daily basis. ;)
05-20-2010, 08:23 PM
hey man thanks for the quick response.. Yeah i feel "off" all the time.. but i dont always feel anxious... its basically like this, i would feel normal, have attacks that threw me off, after the attack passed i felt fine. but this time, i felt normal, had the attack, it threw me off, once it passed it feels like my mind hasn't "reset" or gone back to normal. i wonder if it could be a chemical imbalance (depression) or if i'm just sub consciously convincing myself im feeling this way. it sucks to say the least.
05-22-2010, 04:26 AM
Never ask who else feels like you. It will maintain your anxiety. And stay off the meds, too. You don't need it.
I always tell people they have 3 options. In order of financial cost, they are:
1. Get into CBT with a real live therapist.
2. Buy an anxiety treatment program off the internet. The ones I like are Panic Away, Linden Method, Anxiety Lie, Panic Puzzle and Easy Calm.
3. Get an anxiety workbook from the bookshop or library. A good one is The Worry Trap by Chad Lejeune.
Don't just ask for tips off this forum. You will only be coping. Coping is simply defending yourself from fear. To be permanently cured of anxiety, you need to get on the offensive. For example, if you have social phobia, you will be permanently cured the day you find the guts to throw your own party.
Anxiety is a bully that will vanish when you stand up to it. Finding the courage without a structured programme usually doesn't work. Please pick one of the options and take action.
05-22-2010, 05:32 PM
Palow is right. We with anxiety are always searching for reassurance, but it only lasts so long. While it is nice to see/know that others are experiencing the same thing as you are, it will only make you feel better temporarily. For example, I have "skipped heartbeats" caused by anxiety. I didn't beleive that that was all that was wrong with me. I had all the heart tests you can think of, and then made up a lie that I was having new symptoms so I could go back to the cardiologist so he can tell me AGAIN that I was fine. Then I would feel better, again. Until I got help, thats the cycle I was in. Treatment is a must.
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