View Full Version : What helped me

05-17-2010, 09:00 PM
This may not work for all anxiety sufferers. However what has gotten me through some rough times was my "plan book". This is how it works.
I have a standard notebook that I write what I'm having anxiety about that day in. My latest entry was "quadriplegia" (yes I am afraid of losing feeling in my limbs)
So then I wrote down exactly what my options are if this happens. Things like
- what services are available
- what the healing process is like
- positive role models with quadriplegia
- positive surprises (ex. most quadriplegics retain orgasmic function)

This may sound really strange and unhelpful, however, if you suffer from anxiety over things like losing your job, losing a relationship, or finding out some bad news, it really could give you a more realistic view of the situation. It made me realize that life does not end if a boyfriend breaks up with you or if you lose your job. There are always options.

Hope this helps and I'm so glad I'm not alone with anxiety.. you guys make things a lot easier.

05-18-2010, 09:17 AM
My therapist gave me something similar. It's called a "worry form" and I state my specific worry and then go through a series of questions like what proof do I have that this will happen and proof against. What are the odds of this actually happening? Is this a productive or unproductive worry? It helps me to see my worry on paper and how far fetched it really is. FYI, my main "worry" is always having a heart attack....I'm 28.