View Full Version : Anxiety disorder and a chattering mind.

05-15-2010, 05:57 AM
So, I'm looking for a wee bit of advice, I'll give a short back story first.

So while I was in college, I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety disorder, after alot of self work I managed to get a hold of my disorder and it seemed to disappear for a while, only to reappear in the winter but only once or twice in the past seven years, or if I was feeling a bit run down.

I'm just wondering if this is normal, I usually have an anxiety attack then I think about what caused it and I think of all these horrible intrusive thoughts and I get these irrational fears, which I can usually handle because I tell myself these are irrational, but it takes a couple of weeks to convince my brain that I know they are irrational and to stop chatting.

Is it normal to have an anxiety attack THEN think of all these horrible things that caused it or is it you have the thought then the anxiety? And is it normal for my anxiety disorder to flare up occasionally?

I'll be happy for some advice

05-15-2010, 01:00 PM
Yes, this is normal! I have been somewhat anxious my whole life where it was off and on and situational. Just last year I had full blown 1st anxiety attack and am still suffering. My mind is the biggest chatter box I know! Right when I wake up it tell me things like, "you're going to die today. Your lungs are working, and neither is your heart." It's very hard to listen to the chatter ALL DAY LONG while trying to do our normal routine. I feel like I can't breath as we speak because it's a high anxiety day and my mind is stringing me along! Just know you are so not alone!

05-15-2010, 02:52 PM
im the same way when i wake up... the first thing i think about is anxiety... its has turned for the worst now because when i drive i am thinking about things and then i realize that i was so deep in though how did i make it to where i was headed???!!! its driving me crazy... i cannot stand it.. now i am scared to drive i start panicing before i even leave the house and then end up not going anywhere

Brandon M
05-16-2010, 05:07 PM
I am the same as well. First thing I think of in the morning is if I will feel anxiety and, of course, then I do feel it and wonder if it isn't anxiety but a brain problem or impending heart attack, stroke, or my lungs not working as I do become short of breath and have to take deep breaths when I feel it. It is the most horrible feeling and I think it's worse than physical pain. I just keep trying to convince myself that "it's the anxiety and there's no way I'm going to die right now". And take deep breaths and wait for it to go away or lessen.