View Full Version : just wondering

05-14-2010, 08:03 PM
i am interested to know how many people have anxiety symptoms all day everyday with short lived break in between each thought or symptom and are battling med free?

i guess i just want to know if i am alone.. honestly i dont need someone to cheer me up i just want to know if i am the only one or slim few :?

05-14-2010, 08:21 PM
That was me for about... 3-6 months... but sever severe anxiety symptoms must subside at some point over time... instead of just getting little breaks in the day... over time you'll get good and bad days... and then the days where they are bad will be less frequent.
never taken meds, contemplated many many times but the 'break' comes and i hold onto it as long as i can
Ah to be anxious woe is me

05-15-2010, 06:13 AM
HI mamascrazy1985

Yes they get shorter and shorter as you recover untill they just go away and one day you say to yourself Oh i havent had that for a while .

are battling med free
This is not right , sorry but you think you are battling and it may seem like that but i also recovered med free and you are not battling but you are healing . Look at it that way . And the bonus at the end is that you can say to yourself one day . Look i have no major anixety , its gone and i did it all myself . But the biggest bonus is that you then dont have to go and try and get off the drugs that many many are on . How many people when they start to go of these tablets say to themselves everyday , i hope it dont come back because i am stopping the drugs . This is one problem you will never have . Once healed always healed because you faced it and showed it how was the boss .

cheers kev :D

05-15-2010, 07:25 AM
yea but the thing is i did have a good break for a while.... and now that its closer to summer its coming back i dont know if its because i know how much stress i am going to have or know i am going to have you see i have 2 kids one adhd and the other starting terrible 2s and there is 3 other children in this neighborhood that spend every waking minute outside my house and they wine and cry all freaking day and it drives me nuts... there parents are not worth a dime they never watch them... i have a trampoline and pool for my girls and the neighbors bought the same but there stuff isnt ready yet.. did i mention that i also have ocd adhd and depression.... are you sure meds wont help some...

05-15-2010, 04:24 PM
Hi mama

are you sure meds wont help some... I am sure they do but i also believe that the reason they do is solely because they give people hope back and when you have hope you can handle things better .

I dont like drugs but i would guess you know that but i am sure for some they work . But i think they are dished out like sweets with no amount of thinking goes into dishing them out. Its like You go to the doctors Oh i have a problem instead of Lets talk about it and see what we can work out , its often oh im busy take this drugs and it will go away .

There is also plenty of natural products that help with anxiety and depression and diet also will help .

now that its closer to summer its coming back Can i ask was it bad last summer ? I was at my worst two christmas ago and last christmas i started to crash again , the reason behind this was because my brain was remembering that christmas was a very stressfull time last year and it was gearing up for the same this year . You could be the same .
So you have 2 kids and you wonder why your stressed :o :D Sorry i also have two a bit older and yes they cause stress and heaps of it and then when im stressed and feel off they like to add to it but it is not really them but the fact i am off that makes me feel more stressed . If i feel well i handle them alot better . Something they do one day wont worry me but the same thing the next day when i am stressed will pee me real bad . All you feel is pretty normal just you feel it worst because of your stress levels.

Ocd is part of anxiety , without the anxiety you cant have ocd so if you work on reducing you stress then it should go . How bad is it ?
Depression comes with it also , and why would it not when you cant live life the way you want you will get depression . Try some Tyrosine from the help food shop it helped me with my depression and put it back into its box .
I dont know much about Adhd but has this only been since the anxiety . I only ask because alot of the symptoms also are part of anxiety .

I understand what you feel but i think that the drugs are not going to fix our problems in life , i think the only thing that fixes them is to work on them and handleing things better. Drugs may help ? Or atleast help for a while why you deal with sorting things out .

What other things are you trying ?

Cheers and good luck kev :D

05-17-2010, 10:35 AM
thanks for writing back not many actually do. but anyways my ocd isnt really bad bad its only when i start obessessing about one little thing it keeps happening over and over like im scared to drive now because i was driving my daughter to sleep one night and i was majorly stressed and had a episode where i was fighting anxiety... i thought i was going to faint so now its hard for me to drive.. once i start obessessing it takes me a while to get over it...my depressions not to bad really only when i am stressed to the max and then i get all teary and just have a moment or 2.... now frustration level is another thing. i get frustrated with something very quickly.. i hate it.. and give up on things and then i end up exhausting myself then anxiety is coming again... thanks for the tips

05-17-2010, 11:56 AM
Ive got the exact same thing - though im a bit of a newby compared to some on here. Ive had it for about 3 months where by mind just seems to be on constant repeat.

05-17-2010, 04:03 PM
Hi mamascrazy1985 :D

Happy to help .

Everything you wrote sounds to me like a heightened nerves system .

my depressions not to bad really only when i am stressed to the max and then i get all teary and just have a moment or 2.... now frustration level is another thing. i get frustrated with something very quickly..

When i was real bad i would cry all day every day , then it moves to once a day and then once a week and then once a month . You just have to go with it , crying is not a bad thing ( from a guy :o :tongue: :D ) its letting things go , it is the holding onto things that cause the anxiety . Frustrating is also part of that deal . Think about it with all you are and have gone though why should you not feel that way . I still get frustrated on bad days but i have learned to walk away from things and relax the best i can .

As you settle these things will start to fade but you have to start working on reducing as much of it as you can .

I think i read your post yesterday and you were saying about the better half not being much help , if this is the case you need to work on this . How much of this are you hiding from him..????? Maybe he dosent know how bad it is ?? I think you may need to let some of this out and let go of it .
You also would get great benifit from writing a list of things that piss you off and work down that list to fix some off them , yes there are things on the list we have to learn not to react to but there are also things that should be fixed . You looking out for and being stressed because of shit parents that cant look after their own kids would be one .

That driving one sucks , i had it and pretty bad but you just have to do it and show your brain there is nothing to worry about when driving.

Stop beating yourself up so much , everything you are feeling is normal for someone under stress weather with anxiety or not .

This is how your anxiety is working here .

http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewt ... ght=#24699 (http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24699&highlight=#24699)

cheers and good luck kev

05-18-2010, 08:25 PM
Have you considered getting treatment for your anxiety? Cognitive behavioural therapy? Buying a treatment programme off the internet? Buying a workbook? Borrowing these workbooks from the library?

I've been where you are. For a while I was on several forums asking if there were others like me. This plan of action makes your anxiety worse. Eventually, when you can't take it anymore, you'll fall for the convenience of taking meds. One pill and all your problems go away. Until your prescription runs out.

Deep down I knew I had a problem like 11 years ago. Why did I wait until a year ago to do something about it? I'll be damned if I know. Please don't make the same mistake I did. Just take some action.
