View Full Version : Subconscious selection of my physical anxiety symptoms?

05-14-2010, 06:16 PM
Hey all!

I was wondering if it were possible for me to be 'selecting' my physical symptoms. Let me explain.

I've been getting 'ms-like' symptoms. Tingling in my left foot, left hand, fatigue, lightheadedness, the occasional muscle spasm in my leg, and (light) tremors. Things like that. They all come in waves at once for 1-2 hours, usually once a day but not everyday. The thing is, my mother was diagnosed with MS last fall and before that these symptoms had never appeared. However, I had been having 'heart-attack' like symptoms before her diagnosis. Palpitations, chest pain, left arm pain, intense sweating, feelings of incoming death etc. The thing is, my father died of a heart attack when I was 13. I distinctly remember believing I was having one as well a few months after he passed, with pain in my left arm and chest. In retrospect this was probably my first anxiety attack.

I was wondering if my mind is presenting my physical symptoms in the form of the diseases that have afflicted me most personally. Have I simply 'switched' diseases to mimic, as they are manifestations of my fears? Is this even possible? By the way, I'm a 19 year old male, if that helps.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

05-15-2010, 06:06 AM
HI sharden :D

Anixety is a nerve problem and a fear problem . When one has anxiety the section of the brain that controls or fear becomes overactive just like many other parts of the body .

The problem is not the fears but the way we react to them . Being in a anxious state will feed them though.

Everybody worries about things but it is our anxiety that makes this worry so bad . Unless we start to control our anxiety by working on controlling our system so that it can reset the amount of stress it takes we will continue to have things that will worry us . It may be one thing this week but then another in a few months time .

Do i believe that the bases of your fears are from your dads heart attack and your mother MS Yes but this is something you have to talk to someone about and work though . Of course it bothers you about these two things but it is something you can work though.
My mother died when i was 18 months , my second dad died when i was 16 and second mum died when i was 37 , favorite antie and uncle when i was 10 . These things happen and there is not much you can do about it but you have to think would your dad want you to be holding onto things so much . It is something you need to talk about and heal from not hold on to . If there is one thing i have learned from people that have passed in my life is that life is to short and you should not live it in fear .

Your anxiety will make the things that you worry about day to day worst but you can control it and move past it you just need to work on it .

cheers kev