View Full Version : My Crazy 3 months (or has it been longer)

05-13-2010, 10:04 AM
I have spent numerous months reading through forums and understand many symptoms that I can relate to that some of you have, however at times even though Im suffering from an anxiety disorder I often easily convince myself its something else.


To start Ive always been a worrier in life, but like most people in life you find something to do in life and your thoughts disappear. Ive probably worried about most things (social status, health, work, relationships, life goals) as ive got older. I can also be prone to jealousy and almost a sense of laughing at other people in my head if I find they are not as fortunate as I am with a certain subject.

However the last 6 months I have definately got worse. I tried quitting smoking a year ago and became very moody and felt as if part of my happy side died in me. Often I took my frustrations out on my girlfriend who is at times a bit needy but in my mind the sweetest person ive ever met. As the end of last year drew towards the end I noticed I become a lot more withdrawn from people around me and found I often nattered to myself in my mind, I would often notice it and become frustrated. At this time I was really hating my job, I was overweight, was drinking frequently and binging heavily, was occasionally dabbling with drugs which I hadn done really for a couple years. I would often go out with my friends who the majority of were single and watch them chase girls around the club whilst I stood alone getting more smashed telling myself im not happy. At this point I could feel myself pushing my girlfriend away and was considering quitting my job and going travelling which was one thing that definately got me excited. I was quite stressed and suffering from heart palpatrations which were getting me more stressed and more anxious. At this point all my thoughts were on whether I would lose my job before I chose to leave, my heart and whether I would enjoy travelling as much as I thought I would.

The first time I had a panic attack was at work, I was worrying about my heart and sitting on the internet when a fairly important person at the company walked past and I freaked out as I thought he may have seen that I wasn't working! Within a couple of seconds I had a full blown panic attack and had the usual symptoms that come with it. Though I was worrying about the thought of having a panic attack after the thoughts about it were quite mild. However over the next couple days I had a few more panic attacks and it seemed my thoughts about it became more intense and more frequent. A day or so later I was out for a birthday and I was constantly worrying about my heart, however the more I was drinking the more the thoughts went but the following morning I was in a bad way as the hangover made me feel a million times worse, the thoughts of "im ill, im gonna die, whats wrong with me" were constantly in my head and I had 3 panic attacks that day. For a few weeks after I spent my life worrying about having a panic attack and why I had one, and worrying why I keep thinking about it!

Since then Ive had these constant thoughts in my head, and new worries have now entered my mind. The previous worry about my heart that dominated my mind so much for months has gone, I lost interest over my travelling plans which may have set off some sort of depression panic? Now it seems my new fears (which I think about 24/7) are that im going crazy. A few weeks after these panic attacks I was watching a program about Zimbabwean refugees and they were talking about AIDS, and it almost seems like in my mind I told myself "Oh I don't wanna start worrying about this" then spent a couple minutes arguing with myself that I will not think about this, and since then its occupied my mind.
Since the panic attacks like a lot of people ive lost my appetite and at times feel lethargic, so with the weight loss I have had in recent months I convince myself that this is what im suffering. I focus on symptoms like my skin and convince myself again such as small dots and marks on my forearms and the fact I have many moles all over me even though that has always been the case since I was a child.
As with a similar instance to the above one I was watching a program when a young child was on screen, again it was almost as if I told myself "imagine if you thought about pedophilia how bad would that be" and it almost set me off on a mad moment of my brain going crazy. Just to be clear I do not think disturbing images, but just the word alone enters my mind and makes me feel like Im going crazy.
I also constantly think about the term anxiety, and again spend time thinking about worrying about anxiety, and worrying why i keep thinking the same things over and over again. I will tell myself or remind myself how I have become repetitive and often start wondering what it is im thinking about. I also have developed a small tourette/tic/spasm, where I think about the top of my back having a spasm and its almost as if Im forcing the issue. The occasional thought of a brain tumour and testicular cancer enters my mind.

To a degree I understand all of these issues are in my head, however convincing myself of this is another issue. I miss the old times of watching a TV program where my mind is blank and im only focusing on the TV content, not timing myself in my head of how long ive gone without thinking about intrusive thoughts, whether it be about going insane, health, horrible words, anxiety over anxiety, anxiety over my lack of eating, anxiety over whether ill get over this. Seems strange thinking about this, but I miss the part of me when I was fat and unhappy with my job as those were "normal" things to worry about and were not frequent.

Im wondering how to overcome this mind chatter that constantly dominates my mind, I want my old self back.

Just a quick question - anytime someone worries over something new, do they wish for the previous worry back as it "seemed" less intent?

Sorry for long post, tried to give you guys everything that was on my mind and what may have contributed to it.


05-13-2010, 10:43 AM
If you've read any of my posts, you will see that my heart is on my mind CONSTANTLY! I uderstand everything you are going though. The thoughts take over and brings us down...so far down we think we will never get well. I have been in cognitive behavioral therapy for 8 months and it seems to be helping. I even had to have my cardiology report sent to my therapist so she can frequently show me that nothing is wrong. The thoughts however, tell me she, and all the other Doc's are WRONG! My thought on my heart have only been for the past year (but feels like a lifetime), but I do think of old anxieties that seem much easier to deal with and I wish they were all I had to deal with. For example, before this health anxiety struck, I was going to get on an airplane for the 1st time in years and I really, really didn't want to. I thought for sure the plane was going to crash and I was going to die, but I didn't think one bit about my body. Even though at the time I would have traded anything to be "normal" and enjoy the flight, I would now LOVE to be afraid to fly and not afraid of my heart. It is very hard, and I too have pushed important people in my life away becuase of these intruding thoughts. Coincidentaley, I am staying behind from the family vacation thats happening in 2 weeks because now I am not afraid to fly, but afraid my heart will stop while in the air. It's a vicious and unsympathetic cycle. Therapy has helped me though. Just know that everything you described, I understand. ;)

05-13-2010, 11:05 AM
Ive always had a fear of flying also!!!!!! I have been on a plane at LEAST 50 times however ive always got gradually worse. I had a holiday booked last year that I was really excited about but everytime I thought about the holiday my anxiety over flying took over.

My girlfriend keeps asking to go away and if that will help, or if im ok to fly. To be honest im not sure, im not sure if im anxious about the flying or maybe thats what I need, a part of me worries that I wont enjoy the holiday because of how Im feeling.

I feel like im pushing my gf away even though she tells me more and more everyday how much she loves me, her fear is that ill get better and wont want to know her.

I remember when I had the anxiety over my heart and how much I hated it, but now I feel like I miss it as it dosent seem as strong as my new anxieties!

05-14-2010, 10:06 AM
And I wish I had any other anxiety but heart.....bad cycle!

05-14-2010, 07:25 PM
My anxiety started a lot like yours. except my panic attack was triggered by drugs, but all the after effects were similar to yours. Arguing with yourself, feeling helpeless, not being able to stop thinking about things (thinking you have ocd its so persistant)... then worrying about anything that could possibly be applicable to me (i dont worry about my heart because im healthy, but i worry excessively about the mental stuff)
My friends smoked some bud in vietnam n it was laced with something n he went through a lot of the same things.

It seems that once the 'gate' is opened to anxiety (that first panic attack) there are severl residual effects that take place over time (severity varies, however it is the most persistent thing ever)

When my anxiety was bad I too wished I could just watch a tv show without thinking about 'thinking'... watching my thoughts as though my brain was on ice and i was afraid it was gonna break... n i would drown

Good news is it gets lesser and lesser over time if you can deal with the symptoms. Some people can and some can't (medication required), but its definately not an easy road.

As hard as it sounds, try not to buy in to all the 'possibles' and 'what ifs' ur brain will shout at you. Start eating better, exercise, start staking vitamins or something... Just don't let the 'anxiety' get in the way of what you do.. continue doing everything you would do as if the anxiety wern't there. You won't feel the same doing them for now, but you will still feel HAPPIER than you would not doing the things you used to enjoy (even though you might not enjoy them as much NOW .. anxiety is quite invasive).
Anyway... good luck, this shit takes time to heal is all.

Brandon M
05-16-2010, 05:55 PM
Just about everything you describe is exactly like what I'm going through. The thought that over time, if you understand it is only anxiety, it gets less intense and less frequent is comforting to me. I only recently started looking for info on my anxiety disorder so I am not sure what you mean by panic attack. What is it like? I'm not sure if I've had one or not. My anxiety has been so bad that I came close to calling an ambulance a few times though. Which of course made it even worse because I hate hospitals.

05-17-2010, 07:09 AM
Frustration is one of my biggest problems - I get so irritated by the whole thing and it makes me worse. This morning I woke up and for the first minute I was fine, however once I was more aware and awake and "remembered" anxiety it just sets me off. For me waking up in the morning and being relaxed without a care in the world was one of my favourte times in life - especially a weekend! Similar to your issues Lawandorder, I think a mixing of drink and drugs on a night out and then waking up the following morning with a nasty hangover built up my anxiety, the last few times i was hungover before my first panic attack i was really edgy and nervous and thought my head was gonna spin off and my heart explode!

05-17-2010, 07:37 AM
haha, after reading your first post again I realized that my anxiety took pretty much the EXACT path yours has, with the exception of the heart anxiety.
I too felt the frustration... the anxieties' persistence is taunting, and a real big pain in the ass. I also have those things you did (watching things come on tv and a child comes on the screen 'imagine you were a peado... no your not obviously.. i better not start thinking about this all the time... oh great im thinking about it... how can i stop thinking about it.. just distract yourself.. FUCK I CAN'T STOP.. relax it's just a thought.. etc etc' haha then, you start checking if your aroused for a little while evertime you see a child the street.
I've had so many of these stupid things I can't tell you (I won't share my stories, because the power of suggestion in anxiety is enough to set you off)
My best advice is your really going to have to accept how f-ing annoying it is, how much it sucks. The more you fight it, the more aggressive it will hold you in my experience.
To me, it felt like my anxiety was testing me... what thoughts could it throw at me for me to crack.. so the thoughts got more outrageous.
But overtime the thought comes without that attached feeling. The feeling of frustration and helplessness is the worst part, the thought itself hardly has any impact anymore. In a heightened state of anxiety, the thought can really throw me off.
Because this is relatively new for you, you're going to have to start attempting to laugh at the thought no matter how disturbing or annoying. Oh its here again, oh and again... n again etc. Distractions are always a great thing.
And yeah try to avoid catastrophic conclusions, i had a lot of those n they can be challenged, whereas invasive thoughts just happen by themselves.
I quit smoking bout 2 -3 weeks ago coupled with that supplementation hanini suggested, and my anxiety has never been better. In fact, it's almost gone, but it's taken me a while to get here.
I wish I could help you more, but accept that it's going to be challenging, and you are up for it until it goes away - because it will. Start looking after yourself, it will help.
if ur having any other troubles dont hesitate to ask advice, i've spent way too much of time thinking about and can hopefully provide a few shortcuts.

05-17-2010, 07:40 AM
yeah and drugs will set you back a bit.. i thought i was 'well' enough to do them, but it really just delay's the healing process. drinking isnt so bad, just try to limit the binging to 1-2 times a week...

05-17-2010, 11:54 AM
more advice the better please! My mind barely gets a moments peace ive never known so much torment. All I keep thinking at the moment is "why am i thinking like thism whats wrong with me etc". How long did the suppliments take to kick in? Earlier today was feeling a little bit more upbeat, but then Ive got frustrated and ive got that whole im going crazy feeling!"

really need to sort this out its too much

05-17-2010, 08:38 PM
Physically I am very healthy, and that is why I too can relate to anxiety manifesting as a fear of going crazy. I have noticed that what helps me is to think back before the anxiety, and remember how absent my mind was of these consuming thoughts. I repeat to myself "don't lose sight of who you are" over and over. This reminds me that the thoughts are the anxiety, not me.. and that when I cure the anxiety the thoughts will leave as well. It is hard and no one should ever have to deal with this. We will get better.

01-01-2011, 08:10 PM
as per above title