View Full Version : Relationship OCD or something else entirely?

05-13-2010, 04:52 AM
I know this is beating a dead horse, especially in my case as I posted on the same subject almost exactly a year ago. For that year, I was nearly 100% free of my rather crippling anxiety regarding my relationship. Now, however, the thoughts have returned.

What troubles me here is that it feels different this time. The thought of breaking up with this woman does not feel nearly as bad anymore. I mean, it does still feel kinda rotten but occasionally I actually feel that it might be the right thing to do. It seems difficult to tell. If this is just relationship anxiety, then how can I differentiate between this and when I actually feel unhappy in a relationship? That's what bothers me. Curiously it was a little over a month ago when my girlfriend told me that she had been having doubts in her darkest hour, which made me feel seriously sad. However, she told me not 2 days after saying this that she was probably overreacting and just feeling bad, and said that these feelings went away afterwards. It would seem strange to me that not a week after feeling distraught by the thought that she might be leaving me, I start to get these insecure feelings. It is annoyingly complicated.

So anyway, if anyone has any opinions or thoughts, please feel free to weigh in:)

05-17-2010, 07:39 PM
It doesn't sound like a regular case of anxiety disorder. It will probably turn into one if you keep being obsessed with it.

Curing anxiety disorder has nothing to do with dealing with the object or situation that causes anxiety. It has to do with dealing with the fear itself.

So there's nothing anyone can do to advise you on your relationship. Telling us the details of your relationship won't help either, nor will telling us your past trauma. Anxiety is cured through cognitive behavioural therapy, which deals with changing your negative thought patterns and behaviour.

Try talking to a psychoanalyst and then a CB therapist who specializes in anxiety. Find out what your problem actually is and what kind of therapy you need. Good Luck.
