View Full Version : New to Anxiety - My Story - Please share

05-12-2010, 01:45 PM
I've self diagnosed myself with health anxiety through the internet and its amazing to see so many people doing exactly the same thing as me! Checking of the pulse, worrying about every twinge my body makes and the more i worry the more my mind plays tricks on me....
Mine started with one incident which was when i went on holiday in egypt on my own I had gastroenteritus and genuinly spent 3 days in my hotel room fearing for my life. I had lost my bank card to pay to see a doctor and had vomited bile which i believed to be blood at the time...seein this sent me into a deep shock...Ever since I believed it hadnt affected me and had mysterious episodes of panic, mainly when i was excited about something I would just have a funny turn i.e sweating, dizzyness, tingly and shaking hands etc...I thought nothing of it and then i hit the heart palputation stage and the jilts and jolts my mind gave me in my chest area...And here i am now 2 years from the start of my problem...With regular headaches and worry of it being something serious! The pain is real? or is it? I can feel it but no medicine can take it away, exept when im in a large distractive environment, but only too return when I even think "O i havent had a pain for however long" My doctor has misdiagnosed 3 times and My blood tests are normal minus a slightly low white blood count which im told is nothing to do with anxiety. So im on proprananol day 2 and I have a worse headache, Ive not felt panicy but its early days!
Just thought id share my story! Im 23 and Id love to know if it will ever disapear forever!!

05-13-2010, 03:10 PM
i have had anxiety for about 2 years now and my new phobia that is developing is fainting while i am driving WHICH SUCK i can feel the panic attack coming on and everything some times i can fight it but sometimes i cannot... its feels like my brain is slowly unlearning everything that i know... its driving me insane... i have 2 small children that need me but its had to be there all the way while i am dealing with it.... my husband is never home he works so much ... and i live in a area where the neighbors are close like really close and all of them are women with children and i think there all freaking crazy back stabbing b*tches and that stresses me out more because there is always some kind of drama going down... so no you are not alone and its a long road to recovery i just wonder when i am going to suck it up and start on that road..... good luck