View Full Version : what to do against hypochondria and anxiety?

03-31-2006, 01:41 PM
:( HI. I had a true episode of real dizzyness a year ago. Everything around me was spinning and I could not walk anymore for minutes. I have never been so scared in my life. A total loss of control.Very scary. This never came back, but of course I have no diagnosis and will never know what had caused it. So ever since that experience I am constantly worried about being dizzy like that again, about some serious illness etc. And as soon as I think about it I start getting all kinds of panic symtoms like lightheadedness, feeling totally spaced out, fear of passing out, chest tightness, a lump in my throat, and also digestive problems. The attacks become more and more frequent and sometimes I feel spaced out all day long and can no longer think of anything else. I also have a herniated disc since 4 months and this is what made the full blow hypochondria and panic even worse. I worry all day about wether or not I will need to get disc surgery. This is all getting too much for me and I am unable to relax and nolonger enjoy any of my hobbies. I worry about my health almost all day long now. I often drink to make the nightmare stop for w while, which works. But what should I do? Is there any chance I can get this under control without stuff like prozac? Obviously those meds only help while taking them and as soon as you stop the nightmare comes back.

04-01-2006, 11:13 AM
You are not alone here mate and you must realise that.

Anxiety is the most common illness of all and plenty of people are on the same boat as you.

I'm just like you but mines comes and goes. I would think about it for 2 hours then forget for an hour then think about it again for 4 hours or so. I triggerd mine myself by taking extacy when i took my first attack, my life hasnt been the same ever since. If you havent been to see a health professional go soon and he will have a few relaxing words for you like "All clear, your just suffering from anxiety"

There is nothing better than these words from a doc. :D

04-01-2006, 11:31 AM
The main thing that stands out when I read your post is that you are quite rightly fighting this thing so hard, but you also need to accept that for better or worse this problem is a part of you now. Once you truly accept this you can start winning your fight.

Many of us in here (myself included) have had our various problems for many years and have armed ourselves with coping mechanisms.
You have developed your problem quite recently and you are naturaly frightened and ill equiped, you have to believe me, this is not forever.

Accept that you will have to work at this and know that what you are going through is perfectly natural (even the fear)
I look at my problem as if it were a physical problem, like M.S or Diabetes. This makes it easier to detach yourself emotionaly.
Medication in my opinion is also a fact of life that many people all over the world need to function.
Medication has an undeserved stigma attached to it and although I wouldn't recommend a particular brand to you I do recommend that you discuss this and your feelings with somebody you love or trust and create a plan of action.

I am not a professional but from your post I got this impression of what happened.

You had a panic attack (that was the dizzy episode) these things can come out of the blue, but you as many others have intrpreted it as a physical problem and now you are worrying about your physical health.
I really think you should discuss this with your doctor, don't be ashamed.
Be proud that you found the courage to find this place and post.
Keep in touch.

04-01-2006, 11:46 AM
thanks for the replies! the first time I had the real dizzy spell I did go to the doctor and she did not say that this is panic. she said it could be reduced blood flow to the brain from a spine problem. she said if I get this again I need to get a neurological checkup. she gave me circulation and antivertigo meds.

well, the dizzy spells I get now are very different because nothing actually spins. so those things now are really just panic and fear and worry about what the hell this may have been.

I am also under a lot of stress now. (renovating a house, moving in a month, all this with a herniated disc!)
I hope the anxiety and panic will stop once the move is over.

When I'm busy I feel fine. But as soon as I try to relax and do nothing it's a nightmare and I feel like choking and fainting.

this better stop soon!