View Full Version : DIET & ANXIETY

05-09-2010, 06:01 AM
I had gotten pretty loose with my diet and my anxiety was near 10's every day. I did a bunch of research showing that a low carbohydrate diet with lots of protein and veggies would help.

So I cut out most carbs and was feeling much better for about 4 days. Now after a week on it my system is all over the place. I ate carbs again last night and this morning my anxiety is back 100%.

Anyone ever tried the low or no carb diets - how did it work?

05-10-2010, 06:23 PM
Fatty foods and a bad diet has proven to cause Anxiety. Eating greasy food can be your worst enemy if you suffer from Anxiety. Exercise and a healthy diet can greatly reduce your anxiety.

I posted a long post regarding different anxiety triggers and how to manage them here:

http://www.purplehydro.com/Blog/Entries ... ments.html (http://www.purplehydro.com/Blog/Entries/2010/5/10_Anxiety_Panic_Attacks__Alternative_Treatments.h tml)

You may want to check it out since you may benefit from it. But yeah, stay away from that junk food.

05-11-2010, 07:07 PM
Saturated fat's are a no no.
Eat your carbs you need them for energy.
Drink lots of water and eat veggies and steak.

05-11-2010, 07:18 PM
I think that people whose anxiety disorder is caused primarily by food is rare. Anxiety is mostly caused by toxic thinking and behavioural habits that formed after a big trauma or long-term stress.

Once they get an anxiety disorder, the anxiety causes them to eat badly, making their anxiety worse. Razz, I really think your anxiety comes from your stress over your new diet.

It's the same with people who realise alcohol or cigarettes are making their anxiety worse so they quit cold turkey. What happens? They get a full-blown anxiety attack.

If you suffer from anxiety, the way to change your routine is GRADUALLY. So Razz, go ahead and have some carbs when you feel like it but don't feel guilty. It was your guilt that triggered your anxiety, not the carbs.
