View Full Version : Need advice/opinion

05-07-2010, 03:22 PM
I'm wondering who I should go to. I started having panic attacks around age 21 (25 now). I would just get one every 2-3 months, which I could deal with. However, for the past year, I have anxiety for what feels like all day long. I work at a desk all day, typing, 9-5. I'm experiencing lower back pain, headaches in the back of head, and a feeling of being off balance when I stand/walk. I bought glasses to help with the headaches, which they do somewhat. But this feeling I get when I stand or walk freaks me out. It feels like when I'm standing still that I'm swaying back and forth internally. I've gotten bloodwork done, all normal. Heart checked out, normal. Went to ENT to see if it was inner-ear related, all normal. What is the next step for me? I've spent a lot of money on these doctors and I just want a legitimate diagnosis.

I realize that a year ago when this all started, I was highly stressed out. But my life has been the best that it's been probably ever. I got a great new job, I just got a promotion this week. I have a great relationship with my family, so I don't understand. Every doctor I've seen says it's stress, but the only thing I'm stressed out about is how I don't feel like myself and I feel like something's wrong. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!! I appreciate any feedback.

05-07-2010, 06:09 PM
Hi Enrichment09.

I know exactly how you feel. I too suffer anxiety pretty much all day long. I just dont feel like myself and feel like something is wrong all the time. Feel's like there's an empty pit in my stomach all the time. Are you on medication for anxiety? Do you suffer depression? I take xanax for anxiety and it does help to calm me down. I have been here many times before and I always get better with time and feel like my old self again. But when you are in the midst of it it feel like you will never get better. And my anxiety/depression usually comes out of nowhere, sometimes there is a stressor but often there is not. I feel i am predisposed to anxiety and depression. Hang in there, go and see a doc and get some meds because they do help.

Also my biggest problem is I get more anxious about being anxious! - that is the vicious cycle!

05-11-2010, 08:52 PM
E9, you have generalized anxiety with panic attacks. You don't sound like you have depression so I sincerely believe you don't need drugs. Anxiety is different in that it is a behavioural problem. Life stress or some trauma caused a new programming in your subconscious that puts you constantly on high alert. It does this by feeling your conscious mind with fear and worry, so that your adrenal glands are constantly pumping adrenalin into your bloodstream.

You control this by getting into some form of cognitive behavioural therapy. CBT will reprogram you over time by giving you new positive beliefs and behaviour patterns.

I'm an office drone myself. When you get your panic attacks try using diversion tactics. Go look up Office Yoga in a search engine and you'll find 100s of exercise you can do at your desk as diversion. I learned about diversion doing the Linden Method, which I cannot recommend enough as it cured me of an 11 year case of GAD. Linden method is all about using diversion 24/7 to squeeze out all the negative programming that causes anxiety. I even created a website just to sell the program and pass Linden's message on, that was how grateful I am to the guy.

Mhdwjw, I recommend you try it as well. Charles Linden went through a case of antidepressant addiction that will make you turn pale. You can go on thinking you're genetically predisposed to anxiety disorder and nothing will ever change for you. I have several friends on Prozac and Zoloft and it's like they're driving through life with the handbrakes full on. It's no way to live. Just some food for thought. I truly hope you find joy and peace.


05-12-2010, 12:41 PM
Hi there enrichment09,

I get the feeling of being off balance too, it's very weird and disturbing. I work all day in front of computer screens, so I know what you mean.

Thinking something wrong can be enormously stressful, especially when you start going to doctors and they say nothing's wrong.

Regarding my balance issues, I have learned to not be too concerned when I feel for example, like I'm going to fall out of my chair in the middle of a meeting. The feelings aren't real. They feel real as hell, but they are really just calling my bluff.

Good luck to you,

05-12-2010, 01:30 PM
Thank you to everybody for their concern/advice. It's just very bothersome. I think there really is something physically wrong with me. It gets worse at night.

I guess I just have to relax and stop thinking the negative thoughts. But it sucks, I wonder, is my mental causing the physical symptoms or are the physical symptoms causing mental anguish? All I want is to feel like myself again.

05-12-2010, 07:50 PM
There is no way for an anxiety sufferer to relax and stop thinking negative thoughts. Your subconscious programme is like a computer programme. It will not listen to reason from your conscious mind.

What you need to do is take action. Get into CBT or buy an anxiety treatment programme off the internet or an anxiety workbook from the bookstore.

Note that Jill said she LEARNED how not to be concerned about her balance issues. I also had to learn how to disregard my own panic. That's how every person who recovers from anxiety does it. They learn the techniques, they practice like hell, and after a few months, they reboot their subconscious.


05-13-2010, 04:54 AM
I too would recommend getting the help you need. CBT is a great method; personally, I get the most benefit from exercise and medications that have been worked out over time. YMMV and best of luck to you! =)

05-13-2010, 07:07 AM
If you want to get to the bottom of it, go on some anti-anxiety medications for a short period of time.
if the phsyical issues disapear, you know it's anxiety and you'll find some relief from that (just knowing the cause is a big relief)
then work on the real issue.. good luck