View Full Version : Fatigue symptoms

05-07-2010, 12:18 AM
I developed an anxiety problem just over a year ago, its not exactly GAD and not exactly panic disorder, somewhere in between. I thought I was getting better, February was the best month I had had and March was even better. But since then I have developed muscle fatigue and depression on top of anxiety.

There is some possibility I have picked up a virus of some kind but it could also be related to my anxiety. The fatigue seemed to come out of nowhere. But I have since noticed it does follow trips to the gym (immediately after and following days). But it also comes on days where I haven't exercised. The fatigue usually starts first thing in the morning and can last anywhere from 4-5 hours to 12 hours. Then I kind of perk up and feel better. I often feel really depressed during these times but not always.

I have been going to gym regularly up until now with no problems. I can't really understand why this has started now.

I was wondering whether anyone had experienced similar symptoms developing for no obvious reason? Is this just the way it can go?

05-07-2010, 03:41 PM
Whilst reading your piece, one word popped into my head, 'perception'. You see what you perceive something to be ultimately it becomes.

So you saying that you get muscle fatigue after the gym and a few days after. You could perceive that as the anxiety you had, while some people perceive that as D.O.M.S (delay of muscular onset), which is a common phenomenam experienced by all who go to the gym.

When the programme 'The Secret' came onto the market, people were putting their successes down to the law of attraction "oh I asked the universe for it and it delivered". Soon rather than the result of effort it because the result of the law of attraction.

The same explanation can come down to when someone places the label 'anxiety', 'depression' on themselves, they can fall into the habit of saying 'its the anxiety' or I can't because of the depression and rather than saying 'it is what it is' it becomes 'this is due to the anxiety'. Henry Ford once said 'whether you think you can or you can't your probably right'

So if you think the muscular fatigue is the anxiety your probably right,

and if you think the muscular fatigue is as a result of a good session in the gym and it is good because it is showing me my muscles are repairing to grow stronger....your probably right!

05-09-2010, 07:47 PM
While I don't generally disagree with what you're saying, I have been going to the gym regularly for years, including since my anxiety started and have never felt this kind of fatigue. I usually do heavy weights and cardio too but tried reducing to just light cardio.

I also get the fatigue when I haven't been to the gym some days.

05-10-2010, 10:18 PM
Are you taking any medications for your anxiety?

05-12-2010, 12:53 PM
It kinda sounds related to the depression to me. If you think it might be a virus, why not get a checkup just to put your mind at ease?

Are you doing anything for the depression? Are you getting outside into the sunlight every day? Surrounding yourself with positive things? Taking time to do things you enjoy? Getting quality sleep?


05-12-2010, 07:09 PM
I see my GP regularly. The problem is there are no tests post-viral syndrome. The Doc thought it sounded like it might be that given it came so suddenly and comes post exercise. So I am taking it easy exercise-wise for a bit. I hope it is post-viral because it should settle within a few weeks. But I have my doubts. When I went to the gym I would get through a session no problems, it would a couple of hours later and the next couple of days I would be wiped.

I am only taking St Johns wort at the moment. Things had been getting better. I do get out into the sun etc. I am thinking about going back on an anti-depressant to see if that helps me sleep better which I think would improve everything else. But as we all know they are of limited benefit and come with side effects.

Its so frustrating, things were on the up and I was doing well at letting go of the need to fight symptoms etc and then this new complication comes along and i'm thrown back into ruminating about what it is, how bad will it get, how long will it last, what can I do about it.

05-12-2010, 07:49 PM

The problem is there are no tests post-viral syndrome

I may be wrong here but i think you will find there is a test . They test your body for anti bodies .

I had a virus when i was 21 which i had my blood tested and they said there was a virus there that had left but the could not tell what it was .

Two thing i would surgest is some magnesim powder and also you can get a run of Vit B shots from your doctor for 12 weeks , I have used both in the past and they worked well .

I am thinking about going back on an anti-depressant One last thing before you jump into them and there side effects try some Tyrosine 3 times a day 1/2 hour before food , i had depression before starting this and within a week it was gone . Well over a month now and is not back yet

cheers kev :D