View Full Version : Hi all - Many symptoms
05-04-2010, 04:44 PM
Hi all, It must of been over a year since I Joined this forum.
I am STILL in denial :oops: I have now hit rock bottom and I am house bound - In fact couch bound most of the time. I am scared to go to bed/fall asleep for fear of the attacks waking me up which has been becoming more often.
My symptoms are now major (seem it) I don't know whats real and whats not anymore. I really don't know if all this is down to anxiety, even though my gp is 99% sure it is. I've had a brain scan - all clear, been to the emergancy room enough times, ecgs, blood tests etc.
I have a heavyness in my head, throbbing there, pain in my neck, chest pains which scare the hell out of me, muscle twitches and pulsating all over my body, I feel weak, tired, dizzy to the point I am scared to move. I get numb, cold then hot, rushes, I get so angry out of frustrastion. Weird pains in my arms ,legs, weird sentastions in my head, nose face. I feel sick alot of the time. I really don't want to talk to anyone anymore.. everything is hard work, even just having to get up to go to the toilet it so hard. I feel I have no life at the moment and I don't see any future for me. I've got a really good partner but I think it's all getting to much for him now, who can blame him ??!!
How can all these symptoms (and many more) be down to anxiety ?? I just can't accept it :cry:
The panic attacks are back worse than ever and I can't seam to handle them now - not that I ever did.
I know I am deppressed.
I've begged my GP for help, in fact many different GPS, they usually send me home with acouple of valium tablets.
I really don't know what to do anymore to help myself, I've sunk myself into a hole, of no life, no feeling, just feeling ill and scared all the time. .. I've started suching the net for alternative help - any advice please ?? I found the Charles Linden method - Has ANYONE USED THIS ? I bought the dvd, which was ok but not great - the next step is to buy his pack for £100 .. can anyone please tell me if this might be useful or can suggest anything else to help ?
Thanks In advance :)
05-04-2010, 10:41 PM
Hi mishka :D
Why is it that you are in denial still ? I am not being mean as i understand why but as you have stated it .
But what i want to know is why you can not see the connecton between anixety and the body symptoms you are having.
To get to the stage that you are at it takes alot of stress and you are adding to it every day .
Ok lets see if i can help you from someone that was there but is now past most of it
I havent tried the lindon method but i dont know if it would work for you because most of the programe are based on getting past your anxiety . But your problem sounds like you cant except it is anxiety because you dont understand it .
If you PM me i will send you a site that will help you do this , it will explain in great detail the connection between the stress and the symptoms.
Anxiety is nothing but a learned respose to your sysmptoms , once you learn that you can work on healing your system . Panic is nothing more than your reppose to these symptoms with fear . When you learn what these symptoms are you can tell yourself what they are and even though they are still there they will fade fast because you dont feed them with fear .
Another thing get the book by Dr Weekes Help for your nevres . This book will explain to you basic of how it works .
How can all these symptoms (and many more) be down to anxiety ?? I just can't accept it These and many many more . I had these and alot more .
I've begged my GP for help, in fact many different GPS, they usually send me home with acouple of valium tablets.
This is the world overworked health system , your doctor most likely has no idea about anxiety , about the workings behind it and the only thing he can do is put you on drugs but they do not work as you know .
Anxiety and getting past it comes down to one thing and that is facing it head on and i believe the only way you can do that is to understand it .
Once you understand it you take away the fear . With no fear there can be no anixety for anixety is nothing but stress with fear on top.
cheers kev :D
05-05-2010, 11:47 AM
I was getting very close to feeling exactly how you feel. What made it worse was that I suffered a SAH 3 years ago (the same thing that happened to Bret Michaels) and was positive that I was going to suffer another Hemmorhage. So any little symptom made me run either to my GP or the ER.
Since then, I have learned to accept that I have nothing wrong and just moved on. If you are not yet taking anxiety meds, I believe it's time to ask your GP to put you on some. In all honesty, I strongly oppose these meds, but for a person that has hit rock bottom, it would definitely alleviate things.
05-06-2010, 05:24 AM
I felt everything you have described. EVERYTHING. I started lexapro a little over a month ago and feel SO much better. This med has given me a so much. I plan to get CBT and get off of them eventually, but am still taking it one day at a time. I am still on quite a low dose (only 10mg-half the therapeutic dose) but it has done wonders. All of my bad attacks revolved around sleep. They're called nocturnal panic attacks and are very normal with people with anxiety. I was also afraid to go to sleep because I didn't want to wake up with one and was exactly where you are now... couch bound pretty much. Now I am able to actually live again... and I am happy!!. I've been able to get out in my yard and take care of it... get things done that have been waiting for years (yesterday I painted the bedroom and its been lingering for years looking dreadful). Since I started the med I haven't had any "bad" attacks that I couldn't get through within a few minutes. Every once in a while I wake up and feel "strange" but I can get out of it knowing its just the anxiety... thats something I couldn't do before. Naps are the worst for me usually so I don't take them anymore. If you google and pay attention, they hit when you have been asleep for about an hour and a half usually. Naps are that long for me, and I noticed they would hit after I had been asleep that long at night, or if I had woken up in the a.m. and went back to sleep I would get one when I woke. The first few weeks are rough getting adjusted to meds, but it goes away. It increased my daily anxiety and symptoms for a few weeks, but I also saw immediate improvement with some symptoms. I also had some new anxiety symptoms but they have subsided as well. All those horrible symptoms have gone for me and it has made a huge difference in my life. The best way to look at it is this... try the meds. If you don't get better, then you'll know its not in your head. Right? You have to give it time though... atleast 6 weeks on a med to adjust properly. Chances are you'll see a big difference and be able to take a totally different perspective on life!!!
keith 010
05-06-2010, 03:53 PM
i can relate to how you are feeling, but there are ways to cope with it.
i have suffered the following:
severe panic attacks so bad that i have ended up in A&E thinking that i am dying
chest pain that twinges even when i am not feeling anxious
fear of heart attack
pounding heart beat
consciousness of heart beat and checking heart all the time
pins in needles in finger tips
numbness in hands and arms
out of body experiences (these are horrible and feel like i am losing my mind)
shortness of breath to the point i feel like i am going to pass out
obsessive compulsive behaviour
indigestion & heartburn
a lot of my anxiety has been brought on by work related stress. i find the best way to deal with it is keep myself occupied. i exercise almost every night including weights and kickboxing twice a week
i know this sounds daft but i find it hard to believe the doctors when they say im fine, although i found for my own piece of mind if my heart can handle two hours of kick boxing and sparring it must be ok. its only when i am sitting still and thinking about it that the symptoms start, although chest pain still twinges sometimes.
the chest pain is brought on by muscle tension and adrenilin which is released from stress.
05-07-2010, 07:57 AM
A big thankyou for who have replied to my post .. Brilliant replies!
Kev I've ordered the book you mentioned off ebay so just waiting for it to arrive thanks !
I went to see ygp last night and she thinks its now time I start some meds as I'm not handling things on my own. I'm just on a course of antibiotics at the moment for a water infection but have an appointment again next week to discuss meds and what I need, she did mention anti-deppressents also.
I will probably have to post here and ask your advice again on which meds she give me. :oops: I've never tried any meds before as I am paranoid about taking any tablets, I'm bad enough just taking these antibiotics.
Thanks again everyone for you great advice :)
05-08-2010, 04:02 PM
hi i know how you are feeling, i have not been to the doctors or anything and im getting alot of symptoms of anxiety but i still think i have somethin wrong with me, i have that many symptoms that i always think i have cancer that has spread all over my body, some of the symptoms i have are....
. almost constant chest pain,
. tummy and back ache
. muscle twitches and spazams,
. head zaps (especially when i almost drop water) mainly when i am filling the iron up with water and i fear of spilling it, if i do spill some i get a big feeling of electric shock go though my head,
. body aches
. chills
. sensitive nearvs of my elbows
. constipation
and lots more i just dont know what to do anymore, i have a 5month old and a 2 year old who i want to stay strong and get better for but im just getting worse, i hope i have helped and if more people reply then we will know we are not alone with all these symptoms,
05-10-2010, 12:29 PM
hi, i was very similar. I had loads of symptoms. I was glued to the couch for 3 weeks in a world of my own and was scared to go to bed because i was convinced there was something wrong with my heart and i kept thinking i would collapse if i stood up. I am on meds now so im a bit better altho not 100 percent.
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