View Full Version : Severe Anxiety issues.

05-04-2010, 12:12 AM
Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old student at an Australian University. I recently started seeing a psychologist about anxiety. The anxiety is brought on by the feeling that my peers are pressuring me to do well and if i don't do well i fear their perception of me. The doctor described this as performance anxiety and social anxiety.

This is affecting my day-to-day living in the following ways:
>I am too afraid to go to uni or even go and buy lunch in a public place. I feel that people will be judging me.

>This is affecting my university corse work progress. and therefore i am falling behind, further fuelling the anxiety involved in attending university classes.

>I will stay in my room for the whole day, skipping classes and meals and then stay up very late each night. The following day i feel too guilty to leave my room again and the cycle continues.

I am hoping to find at least someone who shares the same anxiety experiences to let me know how they deal or plan to deal with their social or performance anxiety.

Thankyou very much.


05-04-2010, 07:41 AM
lm17 - I am so sorry that you are going through this. You mentioned that you saw a doctor, are you taking any meds? You can conquer this. I went through a period where I would stay in bed all day and I had to reach down deep to pull myself out of bed, into a shower and out of the house to get a glimpse of sunshine. After forcing myself to do this so many times, I realized that most of my thoughts were exclusive to my own brain and that my perception was all wrong :D

I hope you feel better soon. Please reach down deep and try to find your strength to break the cycle.