View Full Version : White Bump Roof of mouth

05-03-2010, 09:56 PM
ok so a couple of months ago i had this bump in the roof of my mouth...i didnt really think much of it...and lately my anxiety has been sky rocket high!! so i went to the family dentist and showed him the bump and the roof of my mouth, and he didnt tell me what it was or anything....he said to just go home and not worry about it for 10 days..i told him im scared and i wanna go to a specialist...so my appointment with the specialist is thursday and im soooooooooooooooo scared i might have mouth cancer...i dont know anybody that has had this symptom and im so scared..im 23 and im worried to death that im going to die.... i have no idea what to do.....i feel so alone, i feel like crying, im soooooo scared.... the bump feels like a pea size..and its white.... its hard ..ive had a tounge peircing for 4 years..i dont know if this has something to do with it or not..but im worried ..... i just dont know what to do..i cant control my thoughts, i cant be happy...i feel bad for my poor fiance, im like freaking him out ((

05-04-2010, 04:27 AM
I had a tongue piercing for a long time as well and got the same thing at one point. You're probably irritating the roof of your mouth while your sleeping and not realizing it. If you take the toungue ring out I bet within a month it'll be gone. Mine was.

05-04-2010, 07:50 AM
I have never had that kind of problem with my tounge ring.. i have had it for 8 years... you just have to make sure when you brush your teeth that you brush your tounge as well... put your tounge ring in some listerine.. it will kill all the bacteria.. listerine was originally made to sterilize medical equiptment. and then they made it into mouth wash...do this at least once a week. that white bump shouldnt be mouth cancer...why would you think that? do you smoke or is it just your anxiety telling you that? well i have had a white bump or two and it has went away by itself... i remember getting mine underneath my tounge. best of luck

05-04-2010, 08:45 AM
Yes Im 23 and Ive smoked cigarettes since I was like 15. But Im scared its mouth cancer because Im always afraid Im going to die :( Im a huge hypochondriac and everytime there is something wrong with me I feel like Im going to die.

NJMOM can you please tell me if your bump was hard and white? And was it pea sized? Did you go to the doctor? Im so scared you guys, you have no idea, I woke up in a sweat this morning, and I thought I was going to throw up because I was thinking about this problem in my sleep. I just cant take it anymore. My stupid family dentist said "its not cancer" but I just dont believe him!!!! I dont believe him because he didnt seem knowledgeable...I mean if he didnt know what this bump is, then why should I trust him?? ughh
Im so scared .... I keep thinking the worst, and its making me sick.

05-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Yup. It was exactly like what you are describing. It went away after I had taken it out for a while. I was irritating the roof of my mouth with it somehow, either in my sleep or subconsciously.

05-04-2010, 12:24 PM
Yup. It was exactly like what you are describing. It went away after I had taken it out for a while. I was irritating the roof of my mouth with it somehow, either in my sleep or subconsciously.

how long before it went away? and how long did u have it for ? sorry im asking so many questions, im just concerned.

05-04-2010, 04:05 PM
Hi Scared

I think you will find below is what you have

It is more or less a boney growth and are very common , Most people get them on there feet and i have one on my knee.

They are nothing to worry about and as others are said it most likely is just your tounge ring rubbing things while you are asleep .

Worst case they just remove it and you live a happy life .

Chance of it being cancer would be low but the chances of you stressing yourself out about it are high.

My stupid family dentist said "its not cancer" but I just dont believe him!!!!

Mate think about it , this person spends all day every day looking in peoples mouths . If he thought it was a problem he would say something , they most likely dont understand anxiety and just talked it off as a quick question and if they knew it was such a big deal they would have told you more. Most people do not understand how anxiety makes a person worry about the most weirdest stuff and often even when all the evidence is telling them other wise .

Oh and you didnt say if it moves or not so i am guessing below but if it moves then it could just be a fat ball. I have one of them also on my leg . They are also common

cheers kev :D

Torus palatinus--These are simply hard, bony growths covered by firm, pink gum tissue on the hard palate. They are solidly bound down to the underlying bone and cannot be moved around with finger pressure. These start out as small hard bumps in the center of the palate in younger persons, but they tend to enlarge as the patient gets older. They develop very slowly and do not appear suddenly over the course of a few weeks or months. They are considered normal anatomy unless they become too large or they interfere with the construction of an upper denture, in which case they are removed by an oral surgeon. Sometimes, patients will have a large torus for years, but not realize that it was there all along until, one day, quite suddenly, they notice it for the first time. At that point, they think they have developed oral cancer, but find, after considerable worry that it is really just their normal anatomy.

05-04-2010, 05:22 PM
No my lump doesnt move :(( and it has white in it too..

my dentist is from a small town so he doesnt have my experiance, im going to the big city thursday to see the specalist..

i am so scared :(((((( this is not good. :(((((

05-04-2010, 10:14 PM
i think you need to take a breath and reread wrote i posted

Torus palatinus--These are simply hard, bony growths covered by firm, pink gum tissue on the hard palate.
They are solidly bound down to the underlying bone and cannot be moved around with finger pressure. These start out as small hard bumps in the center of the palate in younger persons, but they tend to enlarge as the patient gets older. They develop very slowly and do not appear suddenly over the course of a few weeks or months. They are considered normal anatomy unless they become too large or they interfere with the construction of an upper denture, in which case they are removed by an oral surgeon. Sometimes, patients will have a large torus for years, but not realize that it was there all along until, one day, quite suddenly, they notice it for the first time. At that point, they think they have developed oral cancer, but find, after considerable worry that it is really just their normal anatomy.

I have had anxiety and been a member of three board for 18 months and are never amazed about what anxiety will make a person worry about .

Oh and that white bit is more than likely a bit of dead skin and by the sounds of that , that ring is rubbing on it .

cheers kev :D

05-05-2010, 08:39 AM
I really hope you are right.
I have slept like 3 hours a night for the past week due to this.

Im freaking out.
I really hope you are right.

My appointment is tomorrow and Im freaking so scared. :((