View Full Version : citalopram?

03-29-2006, 07:27 AM
hey guys doc just prescribed me with 20mg citalopram just wondering if anyone else is on these and their opinion.Im feeling pretty sick on it. :mrgreen:

04-02-2006, 12:38 AM
Citalopram is Celexa. I dont have any personal experience with it but I did take the newer version of it called lexapro. Everyones reaction to SSRI's is different. So yours may not be the same as someone elses. Some people have to try a few different types before they find one that agrees with them. Most will take 4 weeks to reach full effectiveness and you may not feel much improvement to your condition for a few weeks after starting so give it some time.

I hope it works for you and helps you out.

V for Victor
01-07-2007, 05:20 PM
I've been on it for several months, and have had no trouble with it. It's helped me a lot, by the way! :)

01-08-2007, 02:27 PM
I was on citlopram for about a year before I truly believed I had Anxiety. It seemed to work O.K. it can take about 6 weeks before it takes effect and you may have to increase the dosage in order for it to have an effect. Nausea is one of the possible side effects but this tends to dissappear after the first week or so. I didn't get sick as far as I know, but Nausea was and is one of my major anxiety symptoms. Hang in there if the tablets work then it could be worth the temporary side effects.


02-22-2007, 06:06 PM
I have been on celexa for about a year and it helped wonderfully with much less side effects than paxil. the only prob;em is that i weaned myself down to taking it every 4 days or so and got very stressed again and had a big crash which i am now struggling to get a hold of again. I am just wating unpatiently for it to kick in again. i cant eat a bite and am skinny now but i cant even enjoy it cause i am so anxious and depressed! I am a bit nauseous too and dry mouth.

02-26-2007, 04:59 PM
20 mg is not much. is was taking 40 mg for about one year.
it had quite a positive effect for a period, but finaly, the effect vanished...
during the first two or three weeks, i had a tremor in my fore-arms; the other side-effect was exessive sweating.
the positive effect showed up after 4 weeks (less lethargy) resp. 6 weeks (better mood).
except from the suddenly vanished effect, i was satisfied with this medication.

the effect from a medication against depressions can always vanish more or less suddenly - without any known reason.
but this shouldn't be a problem, there are enough other alternatives.....

one week ago - my doc switched to Venlafaxine, i'm still waiting for the effect to show up.....


02-27-2007, 11:02 AM
I'm feeling really sick on this and I only took 1 tablet so far, which is adding to my anxiety and depression! God its awful but I know I have to stick with it and I hope it gets better!

03-01-2007, 11:33 AM
I was on it for over a year. I took 20mg a day. My doc got me to start taking it slowly -- cutting it in half for the first week before going up to the full dose to prevent really bad side effects. I do remember feeling even more nauseous than usual, but after a few weeks, I felt better and it worked well for me.

The only negative side effects I had with it were a feeling of inertia when I was at home. I was fine at work, when everyone was busy, but when I got home, I would just flop myself in a chair and feel like doing NOTHING. That part was frustrating. I felt so lethargic. My flat became such a mess (and I used to be a neat freak). I no longer had the energy or focus to read a novel or do a crossword puzzle or knit (and I had been a freelance knitwear designer in my spare time). So, that part was frustrating, but it did help me get over some pretty severe panic attacks and agoraphobia and got me back out in the world again and working full-time. The other negative side effect was that I gained 30 pounds while on it.

Fortunately, the weight basically fell off within a few months once I weaned myself off it. I went meds-free for about 8 months, but now I'm on Lexapro (closely related to Celexa) and it seems to be working well for me so far. I don't have the lethargy I experienced with Celexa.

Anyway, all these drugs affect people differently. Our chemistries are so unique. I hope Celexa works for you. Give it 6 weeks, monitor your progress closely with your doctor. The sick-feeling side effects usually disappear after a week or so.

04-14-2007, 11:47 AM
I was on them for like 3days then i stopped because they were making me feel like throwing up and giving me diarrhoea. Im considering giving them another try though.

04-14-2007, 11:50 AM
O i forgot to mention my mind went extremly blank on them, thats probably why it's also used for OCD.

04-28-2007, 10:23 AM
well, a couple of months it went fine with 40mg/day. i got more drive and my mood was rather ok.
as i got more depressed during the winter, i took 60mg/day - but the effect seemed to be gone.
this may happen - and if one medication doesn't work anymore, you switch to another.

citalopram was a fine choice for me, before the effect was fading out.
but during the first weeks, i had to struggle hardly with tremor in my forearms.

since february i take venlaflaxine (now 225mg/day) - and i feel a lot better now. exept from increased sweating, i haven't got any side-effects - but i don't care, it is worth it.


06-15-2007, 08:52 AM
hey guys doc just prescribed me with 20mg citalopram just wondering if anyone else is on these and their opinion.Im feeling pretty sick on it. :mrgreen:


If that citalopram makes you sick, then go back to your doctor and tell him or her about the feeling that the medicine gives you...So that he or she will prescribe you a new one.

Take care and God Bless!!!