View Full Version : I found something that helps!

05-03-2010, 09:31 PM
I'm new to the conversation here, but I have been here a lot just looking. It sure helps to know that there are other people that feel the way I do! Anyway I wanted to tell everybody that I found something that helps me get out of the panic and bad anxiety on the bad days. It's kava tea. You can't get it everywhere, I read something about it not being legal in Canada, but I think that changed. It makes me a bit tired but it really does help with the anxiety. You can get it in pill form too, and I know there are kava juice bars in some places. I decided to go for the tea because I'm sure it is less potent and I read that it has been banned before for suspicion of causing liver damage. Hopefully it will work for others too!

05-04-2010, 07:52 AM
now that you mention that is was banned for causing liver cancer i doubt any one up here are going to try it.. thanks for the warning

05-04-2010, 08:23 AM
Actually it wasn't cancer. Also thought many medications are shown to increase the risk of problems in our bodies, and many times have pretty bad side effects. . . and look how many take those. The kava that has been shown to do this is more concentrated and studies have shown both ways, that it can cause damage with long term use and some say it's safe depending on how it's made. Kava tea has been used by people for a long, long time in much stronger concentration with no problems. If anyone is interested, google it and see what you think. Webmd has an article about kava for short term anxiety use.

05-04-2010, 11:18 AM
Kava is safer then tylenol which can cause liver damage... :roll: