View Full Version : Diagnosed GAD, but developed IBS now too :( Help me

05-03-2010, 07:53 PM
I had problems with diarrhea and IBS for nearly two years.. just about as soon as I was diagnosed with GAD.

If i start to feel anxious, I have to go to the bathroom. COULD ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH BE WORSE. ?! Everytime I do ANTYHING its a 45 min process of waiting to leave and do it because I need to make sure I've sufficiently sh*t out most of my anxiety.

I'm sick and tired of this and I would really like someone to tell me they deal with this as well and if anything theyve done to remedy it has worked.

I've heard of people getting really nervous and stuff needing to sh*t , but this is just getting out of control. Ive also heard its because when you are anxious the blood rushes from your stomach to your limbs to get you to "flight" away from whatever the perceived fear is, leaving your stomach with butterflies and nervousness that loosen up the bowels. Ok, fine, but how do I stop this.

Thanks :)

05-04-2010, 03:25 AM
Wish i could help but i dont think i know the answer, i have suffered with similar issues aswell.

When i had cognitive behavioural therapy they tried to get to the bottom of why it started happening, what changes and things were going on in my life that made me start to panic and not be relaxed before going somewhere, for me it was a case of mornings before work and sometimes evenings too.

Try and pinpoint it back to a time when this began and have a think about what may have been going on in your life then. Sometimes it doesnt even make sense that what was going on may be what caused it because it quite often has no relavance, its just sometimes its the way your body reacts to certain situations.

Does it only happen if your going out somewhere, if you were to stay in for a week would it not happen at all?

Skippy :)

05-04-2010, 03:26 AM
Also forgot to add...i quite agree it is possibly one of the worst things on this earth. To be people it doesnt effect they dont agree and say things like aw come on you could have something really terrible wrong with you this is nothing, but they just dont get it!

05-04-2010, 07:35 AM
This is a condition brought on by stress and anxiety (most times) and is quite typical - but very uncomfortable and inconvenient.

I suffered through this for a number of years until I got my anxiety under control through counseling and meds. It's gone now for the most part- (whew) but happens now only when something really extreme is happening in my life. I remember being late getting out of the house with this and it was very frustrating. I probably shouldn't have but sometimes when I could not be late I would feel the cramping coming on and I would take pepto to make it stop...

05-04-2010, 07:55 AM
im the same way.. my husband just bought his first motorcycle (thanks hun) and now when he leaves in the morning for work i sit by the clock and start timing him... i know its childish but i have him call me as soon as he gets there and if hes more than 10 min late my anxiety starts going and next thing i know i am running to the bath room.... at least i know i will never be consipated and have to take a med for that too lol its not that bad...

05-04-2010, 09:15 PM
thanks guys... yeah its pretty annoying.. and its also like if i DONT go to the bathroom when i need to go, I feel faint and instatnly like. sweaty and terrible. It slike I have about 2 seconds to get to ma bathroom or its all over. the pepto is a good idea for certain events. Im going camping with some freinds in a few weeks and they are friends that for some reason trigger major anxiety in me, possibly bc they live a lifestyle i used to live and can no longer live so i worry that they wont understand, but they always do. But anyway, im nervous about going in the frist place which means the entire way up (a 2 1/2 hour drive) Ill be stopping at every damn bathroom on the thruway and then once i get there be a freak of nature and have to explain to every single perosn i see that i have anxiety.

I was on Lexapro and then Efexor and i stopped taking them bc my insaurance ran out from a job that i left. I know have new insurance and I am considering going to a psychiatrist to talk things out and get to the root of some issues and possibly be prescribed meds again bc this is just not working for me! ive bene med-free for about a year now, and last summer i was ok, .. didnt have the IBS issues.. now i do and i think i just need to figure some stuff out..

sorry for typos i type at sonic speed and never proofread!