View Full Version : Panic Away?

04-30-2010, 12:21 PM
Hi all,

My anxiety has been around all my life, but only this past year has it gotten really bad to the point where it's affecting my personal life. I can't even get a job because the fear and stress totally prevents me from a normal routine. Lately I've been looking for different types of natural methods and kept coming across this method called Panic Away, but I'm not sure how valid it is. Does anyone have experience with this? Is it a scam? Or did it actually help? If someone could tell me their experience with this it would be a huge help. I tried searching for it on this forum but couldn't find anything.

Thanks guys :)

05-02-2010, 04:29 PM
I was a little unsure about Panic Away when I first came across it. It definitely did seem like a scam. I reluctantly signed up for their articles. I received all these articles via email, which are actually available right off the site. I rolled my eyes at the very first one sitting in my inbox thinking, "meh.. I'm a lost cause. This crap won't help!" I read it anyway. It was actually interesting. I went online and found the rest of them and read all of them. I quickly started changing my mind thinking that there may actually be hope for me.

I found the price of the program and to be honest, I was definitely taken back with it. My girlfriend was trying so hard to help me. She was getting frustrated only because she felt there was nothing she could do, so she wound up purchasing the program. She figured even if it helped for 5 minutes, it was worth it to see me normal again just for that short time.

Well, it helped for more than 5 minutes. It's very interesting how the program teaches you to deal with panic attacks and anxiety. After no time at all, barely a month, my panic attacks that use to hit me almost every other day had dwindled to once in 8 weeks. I felt them come up, but you learn what to do when you feel an attack about to hit and during an attack. It seemed silly and counter-intuitive when I first read it, but it worked!

I got the program in early January and since then I've had maybe only 3 very minor panic attacks. They tell you to expect setbacks and that's understandable. Although, I don't feel that going from 3-5 attacks per week to 3 in 4 months a setback. That to me is most definitely progress.

Apart from the panic attacks, I was still left with all the feelings of anxiety. The knots in my stomach, random pains, feeling my heartbeat throughout my body, etc...

Then I found this site. Seeing that a lot of people are going through the exact same thing as I am definitely helped and gave me a little peace of mind.

When I joined this site, I found a thread with a "cure" for anxiety. It was just listing some supplements and amino acids that help. Well, since I found that thread, I have been almost anxiety free.

Taking the suggested supplements, along with a very good vitapak from GNC and eating better has helped in ways I cannot describe. I still get a little anxiety here and there but it's absolutely nothing compared to what I used to feel.

I would definitely recommend Panic Away for dealing with panic attacks and the thread in General Discussion labeled "Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my Anxiety" for supplements to help with anxiety. The supplements might not help everyone, but they sure helped me. It's impossible to describe how great it is to feel normal again and I hope this all works for you!

Good luck!

05-03-2010, 11:33 PM
thanks for the response mikel! I did end up buying Panic Away and am still currently reading through it. It's all explained in a very cohesive fashion, makes you feel comfortable, and empowered. I know I have a lot of work to do to conquer this, but I definitely feel more confident now even after reading only half of Panic Away. I even had a minor panic attack earlier in the day, and feel that it was severely lessened then it normally would have been. So far I'm very happy with the program.

I saw that thread too and even went out about bought all the amino acids. I didn't get the Magnesium though because I heard it can be harsh on your stomach and I already have enough issues with that. I think I'll start on the Amino Acids, see if they work, and then maybe try to incorporate the Magnesium if they don't.

To anyone who may stumble upon this thread in the future: I would recommend trying Panic Away. If it has the potential to change your life for the better and help you conquer your fears and live your life, I think the $70 is a small price to pay :)