View Full Version : my agoraphobic ditty

03-28-2006, 08:52 PM
Here is a little ditty I made up this morning. To be read/sung to an upbeat tune. I even found it uplifting and took my boys to the park with the tune in my head.


I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It makes you shake, it makes you sweat
It makes you feel like you can't get your breath.

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It gives you pains in the chest
Also gives you light headedness

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It makes you poo, it makes you wee
It makes you feel real dizzy

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

I've even heard it can make you spew
Does this ever happen to you?

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It gives you sharp pains in your gut
You end up at home and find yourself stuck

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It makes you laugh, it makes you cry
It makes you feel like you're going to die

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

It makes you freak, it makes you run
It takes away all of your fun

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

You have a bad day and you never forget
You think of that day and you begin to fret

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

They say that it is anxiety
It makes you feel all panicky

Well - I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
Yes - I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

Each days a struggle, as you all know
You push yourself to go, go, GO

I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me
I've got agoraphobia - lucky, lucky me

We have good days and also bad
And on the good days don't we feel glad
The things we do may seem small
But they make us feel, ooh so tall

I've got agoraphobia - it won't beat me
I've got agoraphobia - just you wait and see.

Chow for now!

03-28-2006, 09:45 PM
Very funny! I think its important to laugh, even if it's the hardest subjects we're laughing at. I mean if ya gotta deal with it your either going to laugh or cry about it some of the time so why not laugh right? :D

03-29-2006, 02:03 PM
exactly, it is quite funny, some of the situations that made me nervous in the past are laughable now that ive been through it!

07-26-2006, 10:57 PM
nice im glad to see you can laugh about something like that, it cheers me up in a way