View Full Version : normal?

04-29-2010, 05:43 AM
I have been feeling less anxious for about a week now but I can't seem to shake some of the physical symptoms. I still sometimes twitch when I am trying to get to sleep and I still feel "floaty" like the floor isn't where it should be. Is this normal even though I feel less anxious in my head?! And how long will it take to go away?

04-29-2010, 08:27 AM
Since going to therapy, my daily anxiety has gone down as well, although still there. Well while in session this week, my vision got weird & I panicked! (therapist loved it *sigh*) I felt like the floor was higher, things were closing in on me, it was super weird! I don't know when it will go away :(

04-29-2010, 08:31 AM
Hey, thanks for the reply. Vision got wierd how? I have visual problems too. Neuro said it's occular migraine. All this anxiety seems to make it even worse! It's really difficult to belive physical symptoms are related to anxiety when i'm not even feeling too worried-but then the worry starts again! I hope therapy helps you out?

04-30-2010, 06:53 AM
Your anxiety can (and will) trigger your headaches. I know my stress level reeks havoc on my "cluster" headaches which affect my vision as well.

I had that floaty feeling and after a medication change, it went away...

04-30-2010, 10:35 AM
Yeah, i'm having a lot of headaches right now. I'm worrying about having headaches on top of everything else! My muscles also ache all over (esp in my neck and legs) is this normal?

04-30-2010, 11:23 AM
Yeah, i'm having a lot of headaches right now. I'm worrying about having headaches on top of everything else! My muscles also ache all over (esp in my neck and legs) is this normal?

God yes. Headaches (I thought mine were sinus headaches) and the aching muscles are completely normal. I actually felt like I should have bruises on parts of me my muscles hurt so bad.

04-30-2010, 11:44 AM
Thanks njmom, it's good to know i'm not alone with the muscle aches! They come and go-sometimes an ache, sometimes a shooting pain. I hate anxiety-I used to feel so fit and healthy! I hope your aches have gone now? And that mine will soon!

04-30-2010, 07:54 PM
Thanks njmom, it's good to know i'm not alone with the muscle aches! They come and go-sometimes an ache, sometimes a shooting pain. I hate anxiety-I used to feel so fit and healthy! I hope your aches have gone now? And that mine will soon!

Mine have gone since I started lexapro. Its actually quite amazing. I wasn't expecting it at all and its so nice to be able to do stuff-like yard work, or holding my child without my muscles burning like I was working out or something.

05-01-2010, 02:25 PM
Like it feels "dreamy" or something. Like things are closing on me....therapist said it's vision...but feels worse when it happens..

05-03-2010, 12:21 PM
What is lexapro? I am trying so hard to do this without meds but it's riuning my life..and my boyfriends. I have so many strange visual symptoms now. Not sure which bit is migraine and which is anxiety-floaters, blind spots (migraine I think) flashing things, seeing things that aren't there...

Thanks to you all for the replies, it helps to know i'm not alone. Sorry you're suffering too though!

05-03-2010, 01:43 PM
For me the attacks came out of nowhere. one day i was fine , the next i was completely consumed for weeks. during the episodes i felt like i just had too get away. i didn't know where to go or why. i just felt like running away. i learned a few techniques that really helped cope.

05-03-2010, 05:44 PM
I started lexapro about a month ago and I LOVE it. Its a very mild SSRI. The adjustment wasn't fun. It takes time to adjust to the meds so you have to be willing to work through it, and I'm sure your BF will help you and be there for you. The main key to getting through it is knowing its normal. There are some side effects, but for me, they are TOTALLY worth it. If you want to PM me feel free and I will tell you about them. Otherwise, alot of my muscle pain, wierd tight sensations around my toes and legs, the horrible flushing sensation, sweaty hands and palms, most of my floaters, brain zingers and other things I'm forgetting I'm sure... ARE GONE. I didn't even realize the floaters were gone until you said something. I had HORRIBLE floaters and saw them everywhere constantly. I never imagined that all those things were anxiety. Oh, my painful tight stomach, and muscle twitches are gone as well. I am also HAPPY for the first time in I can't remember. I am on a low dose of 10 mg right now. I started at only 2.5 and increased it every 5 or 6 days by another 2.5. Honestly, I think that increased the adjustment period and wished I had just started off at 10 even if the side effects were worse (I don't know if thats the way it works though-the side effects may be the same regardless of the dose). As you adjust alot of the side effects go away and like I said, I will be happy to tell you about them in a PM. Some of the symptoms I had got worse for a couple of weeks while I was on it, and I also had some new sensations that are gone now. I was at the end of my rope with it honestly and had to give this a good try. You have to be willing to give it a month or so though to really see what the end results are. I saw your other post and you can do this without meds. It will take a bit longer to see results. I decided to get better with some meds before tackling my anxiety mentally because thinking about tackling the anxiety gives me more anxiety. Alot of people use both tools to get better.

05-04-2010, 02:27 PM
The physical feelings of anxiety is normal in that you are releasing chemicals the same way you are releasing chemicals when you are feeling happy.

The headaches can be the result of the tension of your muscle when the anxiety is occuring. if that is all the time then that is alot of muscle tension. Imagine watching a powerlifter when he is lifting up a weight, the veins are nearly popping out the side of his head. Well anxiety is a lesser version of that you create muscle tension, the flow of breathing is interuppted, the flow of oxygen to the brain is hampered...cue headache!

The large number of studies are supporting the role of exercise in the area of anxiety. The reason being is the release of endorphin and dopamine counteracts the effect the stress chemical cortisol has on the body. A recent BBC article showed research suggest just 5 minutes a day taking part in activites in 'green' area (parks, near trees etc) can elevate mood and self esteem.

Hope this helps
Aaron Morton - Clinical Hypnotherapist