View Full Version : SUGAR STORY

04-28-2010, 12:48 PM
Years ago I stopped an anxiety breakdown with several tools but the final one that made a major change was going on an Adkins - low glycemic type like diet.

Since that time I have tried it during bad times without much good result.

Can anyone REALLY tell the difference if the eat low glycemic and stop all the sweets.


04-28-2010, 04:40 PM
Good day Razz

Anxiety is all about acceptance and giving way to anxiety

The biggest and one of the worst things with anxiety is i think you have to give it the time it needs .

Many people do not do this , they focus of the problem to much , they focus on the past to much , they focus on When will it go .

Everyday you tell yourself When will it go you are telling yourself that it is still worrying you and it is feeding it .

My guess is something happened when you went on that diet , you got some hope back , you started to feel change and feel good again , but then you got use to it again and started to find fault with things

Anxiety when it comes down to it is nothing more than a addiction , it is a addiction of being focused on the way we feel . The biggest thing i believe that feeds anxiety is not our problems in life , everybody has these , it is that we lose hope from feeling so bad for so long .

I do know how you feel , i was there and are still in a small way .

You need to keep doing what you are doing but focus more on getting better than on the past , yes it is hard but it is something you must learn to do. You also need to learn to distract your mind. If i stop and think about the last 18 months i would end up back there because it still upsets me that much , not the anixety but what i went though around my treatment . So i refuse to i keep busy and odd times when its bad i will talk to someone and let it all out , or even get a bit teary but i will never ever let it take hold again and i have no fear of it. I just dont like it .

I think you are a lot like me , i think anxiety has taking over your life , and every waking moment is spent thinking about how you feel , even when you are feeling well you are still questioning when it will be back . You cant do this , we have to learn to just let it go and accept that it is there for now but will leave one day.

You need to stop it from ruling your life . Last night i had a turn , i didnt panic , i just went and laid down but still in the back of my mine is What is it ? I hope its not coming back ? It is us telling ourselves this over and over again that keeps anxiety going . You have to just tell yourself Yes this sucks but tommorow is another day .

Anxiety sucks , its a nightmare , something no one should every have to live though but we have and we are strong and we can do it .

You know as well i me that the mind is very powerfull and the fact alone that you are convincing yourself that your anxiety is here to stay and this is not helping things . See there was a few things i refuse to tell myself

I refuse to tell myself i am mental ill , i am not . i am tired , my brain is tired and a tired brain dont work well .

And i refuse to tell myself that i am stuck with anxiety for life , i refuse to let it rule my life .

I dont care how long it takes i will win and i tell myself this every day .

Yes i changed diet ( no sugar , more vegies , lots vegies juice , protien in every meal ) and was amazed at how fast my depression went away but then i got lazy and symptoms started to creep back in . So now i am on it for good . How long did you do that diet ? I am being told it is a 3 months thing min and the supps i take could be for a year .

cheers and wish you well kev :D

04-28-2010, 06:06 PM
Hi Forwells

I have been on an organic diet for years but not low glycemic. I am thinking about starting it as my blood sugar is very unstable.

How has it helped you

04-28-2010, 07:50 PM
howdy Razz

Would reccomend it. Sugar is just a waste in the body and makes things work hard and out of place .

Just before i go on if you like sugar in your coffee or such you can use something called Stevia , its all natural . Best not to go that chemical crap they called imfo sugar .

When i started i did it for about three weeks , I lost weight , i started sleeping again , my depression patches lifted and had none . i started to feel better again overall , my shakes stopped , my thinking got better .

I got a bit slack and a few of these things started to come back again , this is what happened last night i started shaking . i have also noticed the depression seems to be creeping back also at times .

I have been told my problem is my liver is not working well , It is not regulating the sugar and fatts in my body . So i need to give it a rest and the only way to do that is to stop feeding it crap all the time .

I also had to stop all grains , all statches etc Add protiens because they build the chemicals you need in your brain .

Mate you have nothing to lose , I dont care what anyone says you cannnot heal if your body is feeling ill all the time , How is it that you are ment to tell yourself everything is fine and dandy when you feel like crap . Atleast if you can remove some of these feelings and your body has a chance to start healing itself then you can have a chance to start to heal the mental side.

I believe memory plays as big a part in this as the way we learn to react to anxiety. Like i said anxiety is a terriable thing and something that takes alot to forget and get over from . I still remember the day it hit me that for 6 months i wasted effort of the fear of a panic attack and yet i had not had one for 6 months.
Anxiety likes to beat us with a stick when we are not looking and i think the best way to fight it is both mental and phsyical level.

Is your blood sugar all over the place ? I was told to get a glucose tolerance test but before the diet and you also eat all the crap for a few days before hand . This test gives a true reading of the way your body is using sugar . As with me you could have it were its there but our body is not using it as it should .

Overall we dont need sugar , it is something we chose to have because it taste good and that is really the only reason .

cheers kev :D

04-30-2010, 07:34 AM
Razz/James - I am doing it too! No more refined flour, starch, sugar, etc. Whole unprocessed foods only and it is wonderful. I use steveia too.

I think it's such a healthy way to live and i am glad someone else is saying they are doing it too. It does help!