View Full Version : Klonopin... Helping me so much, its scary.

04-28-2010, 09:31 AM
Hello, For over 2 years, I have been going to lots of doctors (ear specialists, neurologists, chiropractor, physical therapists) have had a lot of tests and scans to try and find why I have dizziness, disequilibrium and vertigo spells... With very little resolution... Even tried migraine medications.

Recently I had an MRI done because I developed chronic neck and shoulder pain. My orthopedic doctor sent me for an epidural cortizone injection (nerve root block) in cervical spine, because he thinks that a mild disc herniation is rubbing on a nerve.

The cortizone basically did nothing.. And I am pretty sure that my orthopedic doc is going to recommend spinal surgery.

Anyways... Because I got no relief from the neck pain shoulder pain and dizziness.. I started having severe panic attacks. I went to my general doctor.. He put me on Celexa (which I know is going to take a while to work) and gave me Klonopin for the really bad days.

I have never taken more than .25mg of Klonopin per day... However.. I noticed that not only does the Klonopin alleviate a lot of the anxiety... It alleviates a decent amount of the neck pain shoulder pain and dizziness as well.

This is good, and I assume it is because Klonopin has some muscle relaxant properties. But I know I cannot rely on this addictive medication. I have been taking it every day for a week...I really want to take one right now even though I am not having a panic attack, because it makes me feel halfway normal... But I know I shouldn't.

04-29-2010, 05:48 AM
If it helps it's good! You say it is a muscle relaxant and that perhaps this is why it takes away the pain. Well perhaps now you know that your tense muscles are a large cause of the pain then you can take some comfort in the fact it's just the stress causing your pain and focus on being more relaxed without the meds? Easier said than done, I know!

04-29-2010, 06:21 AM
Why don't you ask for a muscle relaxer instead and see if that helps instead of taking the klonopin???

04-30-2010, 07:29 AM
yaheythere - I had debilitating neck and back pain for years that eventually was 100% attributed to anxiety. I went through a 2 week period years ago of being unable to walk. When I got my anxiety under control the neck and back pain disappeared... :) I have occasional episodes now (one a year, if that) but I am in much better shape!!! Please get a second opinion before you think about any surgery!!!