View Full Version : Extreme muscle pain and numbness related to Anxiety?

04-25-2010, 08:42 PM
Hi everyone. :) I'm new to this Forum and this is my first post. My extreme body pain and numbness has lead me to ask if this is related to my Anxiety and hopefully someone can help.

I've had Anxiety for the past 3 years or so. My Anxiety has been fairly mild, only occurring in crowded stores or times of extreme stress. About 2 weeks ago, my Anxiety took a toll for the worse, including a full blown panic attack at work. Since then I feel more relaxed, but I am still experiencing dizziness and extreme fatigue. For the past few weeks, I have had severe pain in my legs (mostly my knees and bottom legs and feet//ankles) and back. I hoped it would get better but has only gotten worse. Today has been the worst of all. My lower back is killing me, and the pain radiates down my spine, bottom and is felt heavily in my lower legs. My legs also feel weak as can be, it feels like I am going to collapse with intense numbness and weakness. I work as a Chef and I lift heavy things and I am wondering if I hurt myself. I am going to the Doctor soon but I also wonder if this can be due to my Anxiety and wonder if anyone experiences extreme muscle pain and weakness/numbness along with theirs. Thank you guys.

04-26-2010, 07:48 AM
Hi there. First, go to the doctor and make sure there is nothing physical going on. Second, let me share that I had extreme back and neck pain for years that was completely attributed to my anxiety so you're not alone. I once missed 2 consecutive weeks of work, I was in so much pain I could not walk.

The good news is - I was able to conquer the back and neck issues almost completely with counseling and meds. I wish you the best in finding a coping mechanism that works for you.

04-30-2010, 10:55 AM
Hi, I also have muscle pain. I went for a massage a while back and the guy told me my lower back pain was actually coming from the fact I was clenching my bottom muscles with all the anxiety! I initially thought this sounded a little far fetched but since his massage my lower back pain has vanished! I also paid more attention to my bum (!) and have noticed that I do clench the muscles when I am anxious. I now make a concious effort not to. Hope you feel better soon