View Full Version : Starting back up again. Help?

04-25-2010, 10:59 AM
Hey guys, madhatter here. I've been going through some pretty tough time lately, and would like to know if someone out there shares the same problems that I do. The last few days and nights, I have been having terrible panic attacks. They happen when I try to lay down for bed, and when I get up in the morning. My stomach is pretty much always in knots, and its gotten worse lately. I constantly have like a gurgling or acid reflux feeling in my stomach. When i'm having panic attacks i get really naseaus, and my heart races for up to an hour. Does anyone have the same problem around the same time of days? I've broken down and finally am going to the doctor soon today. I just would like to know someone out there is dealing with the same thing I am.

04-26-2010, 07:55 AM
Yep madhatter I experience this too, especially when I try to lie down at times - you are not alone. For me it comes and goes in cycles. Go to the doctor to rule out anything else. Are you taking meds? You might need a very mild anti-anxiety at bed time until you learn how to cope with this. I did and it worked wonderfully. To add to my problem, I am a VERY light sleeper and I am living with PTSD. You can get control over this and stamp it out.

04-26-2010, 08:30 AM
I have GAD so my morning anxiety is probably not as severe as yours (i don't have panic attacks often but i will on occasion) but it is always there. I think it might have something to do with the body's process of waking up and in some cases falling asleep. adrenaline or something must get going and throw the whole process in a mess. Once I am up and about it usually subsides and I can get through me day. The doctor will definately help to at least give you some peace of mind. Every morning I wake up feeling nervous especially on Monday's lol.

04-26-2010, 10:04 AM
Mad, I have GAD like Van, and Van, I'm just like you!! HAHA! I always have the lingering anxiety (which is what GAD is), but Monday's really are harder. Mad, I have a certain time of day (only during the work week) where my anxiety goes up and I am very suceptable to panic/will have a panic attack. Mine is situational. Everyday at 2:30 I have to drive to pcik up kids from school (I work in child care) and that makes me nervous, then I have to drop them of and go pick up my own child from her school. Therapist says its something to do with me feeling out of control, and the "hussle and bussel" of that short one hour of the day makes me FREAK! So yes, anxiety/panic can come at any time OR have a specific time everyday it escalates. :roll:

04-26-2010, 11:19 AM
Thanks for all the quick responses everybody. I'm making appointments for doctors and a psychiatrist. I've been trying to do this without medication for too long, and for me it's just not worth it. I feel like i'm not even living life anymore, i'm just waiting for one day to be over and the next one to begin.

04-27-2010, 11:56 AM
Madhatter; thats how I am also. Therapy has helped signigicantly with this but I still have it; wondering whats going to happen next.